More speculation. Materialism is insufficient. The ‘blind watchmaker’ is a fictional character.
“Let the waters bring forth…” Details please.Details please…
I’ve actually prepared a number of answers only to be overwhelmed by a sense of futility.obfuscates what is actually a very simple question.
Really?! God is some puppet or force of nature to be manipulated?I could also be persuaded if anyone could demonstrate that some animal or plant was spontaneously created ex nihilo. Perhaps we could use an empty zoo for the purpose.
I’m not sure why people holding different views offend you.That’s the thing that offends most: that ID proponents do not think that God could set in place a system of chance, and still fully express His will in outcome.
“Chance” is just another word for “so complex that it’s beyond human comprehension or the ability to predict.” Surely, nothing meets that definition when we’re talking about God’s intellect.
The laws that govern the interactions of matter do not in themselves lead to greater complexity. A higher order is required to place the building blocks together in a manner that expresses life. Consider too that life is also far more than the material. Matter is only the tip of the ontological iceberg that we are.Aloysium:![]()
How do you say some mutations “random” and others are chosen?Assuming you are addressing the idea of macroevolution.
There is clearly diversity, expressed within the cat family in the various forms of tigers, lions, jaguars, house cats, and so on. Most of it is an artistic expression of Existence, some of it adaptive. None of it, except for genetic defects, is truly random.
Trees die off and branches grow no further. They no longer produce leaves (individual organisms). They can however sprout seeds which gives rise to new trees, each branch producing different sorts of leaves.
Why do you feel free to conclude that Darwin was not describing the mode of artistic expression chosen by an Almighty God who does not make arbitrary laws but rather bases all of His laws on the natural laws of cause and effect built into His creation?
Yes, that is what I mean.The laws that govern the interactions of matter do not in themselves lead to greater complexity. A higher order is required to place the building blocks together in a manner that expresses life. Consider too that life is also far more than the material. Matter is only the tip of the ontological iceberg that we are.
Life is a creative expression.
The material structure of life makes it prone to the decomposition that occurs when atoms act in accordance solely with their properties. Random mutation on a chemical level is deleterious to the organism. Toxins, viruses, radiation, and the accumulation of unrepaired glitches over time are all physical factors which affect the cell and its DNA.
There are built-in mechanisms within the cell that respond to stressors in the environment as demonstrated in NASA’s twin study that revealed that 93% of Scott Kelly’s genome had not reverted back to that of his identical brother after a year in space. These would not be random but planned attributes of living things meant to ensure survival. It is God’s planning that does this. And God brings the laws of physics into existence through the things He creates There is nothing arbitrary about this - it is all in accordance with His will.
Chance is used this wayL“Chance” is just another word for “so complex that it’s beyond human comprehension or the ability to predict.” Surely, nothing meets that definition when we’re talking about God’s intellect.
At creation everything was good. If Adam had not fallen the effects of death and decay would not be evident. The changes we see are due to God removing this protection.“Goddidit” is weak. Let’s start with that as a given. The question is HOW did He do it?
Clearly, he didn’t make everything in its final form, because the forms found today are different than the forms of the past. Therefore, it was God’s intent to set Creation into motion, and then let it play out. God’s world is a dynamic one, in which change is both allowed and expected from the start.
Evolution is far more in accord with this truth than ID is. We don’t really need to go beyond the Bible to know that God intended for a progressive world.
Yes, the diversity occurs due to adaptation. It is very well programmed.There’s also clearly diversity, expressed within the mammal class. There’s also clearly diversity, expressed within the animal kingdom. Branches on branches. It’s almost like. . . animals are related to different degrees based on when each branch diverged from its parent.
According to rossum there were birds living right along side with the dinosaurs.T-Rexes, but they are not here now. There used not to be chickens, but now there are chickens