Is Darwin's Theory of Evolution True? Part 4.1

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Yes, carbon dating has a known error bar and you well know it. Contamination increases the range, but does not invalidate the approx age. Once again, these errors do not put the dates to 65 million years.
You don’t really understand error bars, do you? Each of the measurements of the acrocanthosaurus has an error of between 90 and 270 years, but the measurements are 2000 years apart. That means they cannot have come from the same organism, unless the contamination has been so severe as to make the measurements meaningless.
You favour the idea that dinosaurs are more than twice as old as the creation of the earth, and want us to produce “better science”! Honestly, you couldn’t make it up.
Tsk Tsk. You know you are being disingenuous. Not good.

Once again, real slow. Better resolution will refine the dates.
You don’t really understand error bars, do you? Each of the measurements of the acrocanthosaurus has an error of between 90 and 270 years, but the measurements are 2000 years apart. That means they cannot have come from the same organism, unless the contamination has been so severe as to make the measurements meaningless.
I don’t think you do. I hate to quote wiki, but it was too easy.

“The results varied widely (though consistently with a normal distribution of errors in the measurements), and included multiple date ranges (of 1σ confidence) that did not overlap with each other. The measurements included one with a range from about 4250 to about 4390 years ago, and another with a range from about 4520 to about 4690.[65]” Radiocarbon dating - Wikipedia
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I don’t understand why you lump the Big Bang Theory and Darwinism together. The picture painted by the data concerning the changes that have taken place over more than thirteen billion years most definitely fits the Genesis narrative and it does not require mental gymnastics to describe it as such.
The heavens with all its billions of galaxies and stars are no less spectacular than the material organizational complexity of animals. Since I believe Darwinism is an unintelligible explanation of the origin of species of both plants and animals, so for the same sort of reason do I consider the Big Bang Theory as the origin of the heavens with all its almost incomprehensible distances and myriads of galaxies and stars. Truly, “The heavens are telling the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims the work of his hands” (Psalm 19:1). Who but God could have created such heavens with all their host?

I once considered the Big Bang Theory as plausible and thinking to myself ‘hmm, interesting, maybe God created the universe in this way.’ Upon further examination of the theory and what it entails and comparing that with my catholic faith, the word of God, i.e., Holy Scripture, the writings and faith of the Church Fathers, the theology and metaphysics of St Thomas Aquinas, I now believe that the Big Bang Theory is a sci-fi evolutionary creation myth on steroids. The following are a just a few reasons concerning my reservations about the Big Bang Theory.

(1) The Big Bang Theory is just that, namely, a theory involving manifold unobservable and untestable hypotheses including some hypotheses which are simply impossible to have observed and will remain forever ‘unknowns’ such as the singularity, the early state of the universe, the formation of stars and galaxies, etc. To save the theory from known laws of physics, astrophysicists have had to invent a number of ‘god of the gaps’ scientific explanations such as dark matter and dark energy, the ‘inflation’ stage of the early universe, explanations for the lumpiness of the galaxies, etc.

One of the principles of the theory is the red shift of galaxies or at least some of them which imply that the galaxies are moving away from us and thus the notion of the expanding universe. But the observations of the red shift of some astronomical objects apparently do not match their distance such as quasars and what is called the (Tolman?) brightness surface test. Accordingly, from what I understand, the red shift of galaxies (or stars?) may not in fact translate to an expanding universe but it may be due to some as yet unknown phenomenon and the universe may not be expanding after all. Apparently, there are models that can incorporate the astronomical observations into a non-expanding or ‘static’ universe just as well as the expanding universe model but without the ‘god of the gaps’ inventions such as dark matter or dark energy.

See links below:

From the website
(Disclaimer: The author of the above articles, John Hartnett, is a retired physicist and cosmologist. I believe he presents the evidence for and against the BBT in an objective fashion. He concludes that in his opinion, “it is impossible to conclude either way whether the universe is expanding or static. The evidence is equivocal”. I believe he is also a YEC but I personally do not have a problem with incorporating the present claim from science concerning the 13.8 billion year age of the universe into Genesis 1-2. Other articles from John Hartnett or from others on the website do not necessarily reflect my own views).

Another article concerning scientific flaws with the Big Bang Theory:

My personal opinion on whether the the heavens are expanding or not is I don’t know, maybe it is and maybe it isn’t. If the substance of the heavens (what we may think of as ‘space’) is expanding, and whatever it is made out of is a mystery, I would not associate the ‘space’ of the heavens with the matter or energy of the ‘singularity’ of the Big Bang from which evolved matter and the first elements and elemental particles, the formation of stars from which evolved the other elements, and entire galaxies. Maybe God ‘stretched out’ the substance of the heavens from a ‘singularity’ as it were but not a singularity packed with all the matter and energy of the cosmos from which evolved the whole universe and variety of creatures.
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Elemental atomic matter with their protons, nuetrons, and electrons and of which the sun, earth, stars, moon, planets, water, plants, and animals are made out of and were formed by God, involved a distinct creative act from God as we find in the creation and formation of things in the six days of Genesis. I don’t believe we are 'star stuff ’ nor was hydrogen formed from the Big Bang, from which stars were formed and the rest of the elements which in time planets were formed including earth as the theory goes. No, God himself created the stars and the hydrogen element with its subatomic particles which fuels the energy and emission of light in the fusion of hydrogen into helium according to the present scientific theory on this. Whether planets, meteorites, comets, and such like things are formed from the explosion of old stars and the collection of clouds of dust particles is possible, I don’t know, it could be which would explain some of these objects. Of course, the science has its theory on this, but its a theory. God probably created either all or a lot of these objects himself with the stars and galaxies. I do believe our own planet earth, the moon, and our sun were created directly by God himself. In fact, as I mentioned, God himself created and made all the stars and galaxies throughout the universe. Whether or not there might be a few stars in the whole universe that formed via natural processes is questionable.

The lights in the firmament of the heavens were made on the fourth day, i.e., a distinct creative act from God who first created the heavens (verse 1), a space or body as it were, for the lights. All the billions of stars and galaxies were created effortlessly and at once (or possibly some independently from others over the ‘time span’ of day 4) by the simple word of God "And God said, ‘Let there be lights…’

By the word of the Lord the heavens were made,
and all their host by the breath of his mouth…
For he spoke, and it came to be;
he commanded, and it stood forth (Psalm 33: 6,9)

Praise him, sun and moon,
praise him, all you shining stars!..
Let them praise the name of the Lord!
For he commanded and they were created. (Psalm 148: 3,5)

He determines the number of the stars,
he gives to all of them their names. (Psalm 147: 4)
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Whether God created the sun, moon, stars of day 4 from nothing or from matter he previously created such as the light on day 1, there is a variety of opinion among the fathers and theologians. The opinion of St Thomas Aquinas is that the light created in verse 3 is when God created the substance (substantial form and matter) of the lights (the sun, moon, and stars) out of nothing but as yet in a way formless then on day 4 God completed their formation.

(2) I do not believe the singularity of the Big Bang ‘created’ the heavens and the earth in an evolutionary fashion even supposing God’s providence. Gen. 1:1 is clear: ‘In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.’ And many texts of the Bible say the same and the first article of our professions of faith, the creeds, reiterate Gen. 1:1. And Genesis 1 goes on to explain God’s creative activity in the creation and formation of the other ‘major’ natural phenomena of the world including us humans.

Whether God created the sun, moon, stars of day 4 from nothing or from matter he previously created such as the light on day 1, there is a variety of opinion among the fathers and theologians. The opinion of St Thomas Aquinas is that the light created in verse 3 is when God created the substance (substantial form and matter) of the lights (the sun, moon, and stars) out of nothing but as yet in a way formless then on day 4 God completed their formation.

(2) I do not believe the singularity of the Big Bang ‘created’ the heavens and the earth in an evolutionary fashion even supposing God’s providence. Gen. 1:1 is clear: ‘In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.’ And many texts of the Bible say the same and the first article of our professions of faith, the creeds, reiterate Gen. 1:1. And Genesis 1 goes on to explain God’s creative activity in the creation and formation of the other ‘major’ natural phenomena of the world including us humans.
Maybe to God the Universe is like a small little patio . 🙂
Ok, can you show me a scenario where what you say is being played out in real life today right now on this planet ?
Yes. The house mouse, Mus musculus, is a common pest, and often controlled by an anticoagulant poison. The gene complex responsible for sensitivity to the poison is well known. Over the years, different populations of rats and mice have had genetic changes to their sensitivity. Some have become more sensitive, and some less sensitive. As, until recently, mice did not often come across a lot of anti-coagulants, these genetic changes had little effect on the population. When warfarin was developed as a rodent poison, whole populations of mice were destroyed completely. Some, perhaps where the poison was being less well administered, became stressed, such that susceptible mice were more likely to be killed before they reproduced, while stronger mice were more likely to reproduce. In this way, immunity to warfarin has spread through some populations.

These researches illustrate several aspects of evolution we have been discussing. Firstly the mutation of a genetic complex to achieve a potential, but not actual survival advantage. Then the environmental change enabling the potential to be actualised. But also the fact that in other populations the resistant gene complex simply hasn’t appeared (yet), and so in spite of the environmental change, their is no change to the population’s resistance to the poison, and then the fact that where the environmental change is too extreme, there is no time for the resistant gene to spread through the population before they all die.

Actually the story is even more exciting as we are also discovering mice of two different species hybridising, but we don’t want to get too complicated here.
Ok, can you show me a scenario where what you say is being played out in real life today right now on this planet ?
Yes. The house mouse, Mus musculus, is a common pest, and often controlled by an anticoagulant poison. The gene complex responsible for sensitivity to the poison is well known. Over the years, different populations of rats and mice have had genetic changes to their sensitivity. Some have become more sensitive, and some less sensitive. As, until recently, mice did not often come across a lot of anti-coagulants, these genetic changes had little effect on the population. When warfarin was developed as a rodent poison, whole populations of mice were destroyed completely. Some, perhaps where the poison was being less well administered, became stressed, such that susceptible mice were more likely to be killed before they reproduced, while stronger mice were more likely to reproduce. In this way, immunity to warfarin has spread through some populations.

These researches illustrate several aspects of evolution we have been discussing. Firstly the mutation of a genetic complex to achieve a potential, but not actual survival advantage. Then the environmental change enabling the potential to be actualised. But also the fact that in other populations the resistant gene complex simply hasn’t appeared (yet), and so in spite of the environmental change, their is no change to the population’s resistance to the poison, and then the fact that where the environmental change is too extreme, there is no time for the resistant gene to spread through the population before they all die.

Actually the story is even more exciting as we are also discovering mice of two different species hybridising, but we don’t want to get too complicated here.
I’m talking about macroevolution.
The specific experiment to which you refer involved 24 measurements, of which the difference between the greatest and the least averages was about 6% of the age of the object. The difference between the greatest and the least averages of your dinosaurs is about 12%.
The redshift may not be what many think it is. Halton Arp, who was Edwin Hubble’s assistant, observed connected galaxies where the redshift varied. Hubble himself was not 100% sure his idea about redshifts was correct.

The latest Hubble telescope deep space image shows faint galaxies at maximum distance.
I’m talking about macroevolution.
Doesn’t mean anything to me. Macroevolution is just a lot of microevolution stuck together. It takes far to long to observe. I suppose the best we can do in real time is to observe animals in the same way as we observe stars. Although we have never seen a star be born, exist and die, we think that by looking at dozens of them, we can generate a model of what their whole life stories are. We can certainly produce an explanation which fits the observations.

If we want to look at speciation, perhaps the best thing we can do it look at hybridisation, and compare degrees of hybridisation with genetic similarity. Some similar species cannot hybridise at all - the model is that a speciation event is complete. Others can produce offspring, but the offspring is sterile. Others again produce offspring which can mate with one or other of the parent species, but not with its own generation. Finally there are those which mate freely when brought together, but actually live separate lives in the wild. Good examples to research are, say, horses/donkeys, horses/zebras, lions/tigers, grizzlies/polar bears, sheep/goats, yaks/cattle, and so on. All these represent examples of speciation in progress.
The redshift may not be what many think it is. Halton Arp, who was Edwin Hubble’s assistant, observed connected galaxies where the redshift varied. Hubble himself was not 100% sure his idea about redshifts was correct.

The latest Hubble telescope deep space image shows faint galaxies at maximum distance.
Our understanding of the red shift is a superb example of science in action. An observation is made, and a variety of explanations adduced to explain it. More observations enable us to refine the explanation, and while anomalous observations keep some less well accepted explanations in the frame, they also provide a focus for clarification and further refinement.

The carbon dating has to be wrong. Sound familiar? 😀

I have never claimed a six thousand year earth. The Bible does not give an age. I tend to favor 10-12000 years as I have posted consistently over the years. If it goes back to even 50,000 years it is a long way from 4 Billion. See the point?
OK, those carbon dates are wrong. We can discard them as useless since they are incorrect. Now we can look at the Ar-Ar dates, the U-Pb dates and all the other dates from non-carbon methods.

Also, if the carbon dates are wrong then they do not constitute an argument against evolution. You cannot make any argument from incorrect dates.

The 4 billion year date comes from multiple dating methods on different rock formations and on meteors. Carbon dates were not used as they do not do that far back.

OK, those carbon dates are wrong. We can discard them as useless since they are incorrect. Now we can look at the Ar-Ar dates, the U-Pb dates and all the other dates from non-carbon methods.
Whoa… The evo dates are always changing. We can discard them too. Thanks!
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