An interesting collection of self-congratulations followed by a photo of an arrant fake. And this is meant to substantiate Creationism?
Firstly, buffalo having finally grasped the meaning of empirical, he’s found the word abductive. At least he’s got the right word here, but he seems to think there’s something wrong with it. Evolution, like most science, is an explanation of observed phenomena. That’s all it is, and that’s what abductive reasoning is. If any phenomena can be observed that contradict the explanation, then, like most science, the explanation is rejected or modified.
Edwest throws up the “absolutely unguided” Aunt Sally yet again, in the face of continuous and consistent explanation that this is a misreading of evolution’s use of the word ‘random’. This is dishonest.
He follows this with bald statements of belief (“Intelligent Design is the only way”, “Evolution is useless”) which he does from time to time entirely as a security blanket for insecure Creationists. They have has no supporting evidence, and are clearly not put out as a way of countering Evolution. They are a kind of verbal Teddy Bear.
Then we have the preposterous notion that Creationism is deductively reasoned. This suggests to me that neither buffalo nor Edwest understand what reasoning is at all, let alone the difference between abductive, deductive and inferential reasoning.
Then we mention Darwin’s House of Cards. At least this is not a cynical attempt to prove that an evolutionist doesn’t believe in evolution. It is the usual creationist farrago of half-truths and misrepresentations that pass for science in the creationist world. As usual, these books are put forward as if the very mention of a book itself is sufficient authority to demonstrate a case. Scientists reject such argumenta ad auctoritatem.
Creationism isn’t any kind of reasoning at all.
And finally, a clearly and obviously carved rock from the Creation Institute Museum. An arrant, deliberate, sinful, dishonest lie.
Come on, you Creationists! You must be able to do better than this gallimauphry of absurdity surely?
Firstly, buffalo having finally grasped the meaning of empirical, he’s found the word abductive. At least he’s got the right word here, but he seems to think there’s something wrong with it. Evolution, like most science, is an explanation of observed phenomena. That’s all it is, and that’s what abductive reasoning is. If any phenomena can be observed that contradict the explanation, then, like most science, the explanation is rejected or modified.
Edwest throws up the “absolutely unguided” Aunt Sally yet again, in the face of continuous and consistent explanation that this is a misreading of evolution’s use of the word ‘random’. This is dishonest.
He follows this with bald statements of belief (“Intelligent Design is the only way”, “Evolution is useless”) which he does from time to time entirely as a security blanket for insecure Creationists. They have has no supporting evidence, and are clearly not put out as a way of countering Evolution. They are a kind of verbal Teddy Bear.
Then we have the preposterous notion that Creationism is deductively reasoned. This suggests to me that neither buffalo nor Edwest understand what reasoning is at all, let alone the difference between abductive, deductive and inferential reasoning.
Then we mention Darwin’s House of Cards. At least this is not a cynical attempt to prove that an evolutionist doesn’t believe in evolution. It is the usual creationist farrago of half-truths and misrepresentations that pass for science in the creationist world. As usual, these books are put forward as if the very mention of a book itself is sufficient authority to demonstrate a case. Scientists reject such argumenta ad auctoritatem.
Pick me! Pick me! Evolution is a single, coherent, comprehensive explanation for millions of empirical observations. It is abductive reasoning at its best.I wonder how many posters here will answer these two questions?
Creationism isn’t any kind of reasoning at all.
And finally, a clearly and obviously carved rock from the Creation Institute Museum. An arrant, deliberate, sinful, dishonest lie.
Come on, you Creationists! You must be able to do better than this gallimauphry of absurdity surely?