Is Darwin's Theory of Evolution True? Part Three

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Surely God constructed it to look like this? Its intelligent design, no? Its a species of shark. Sure it will never win a beauty contest but why should we judge. It is God’s design.
You seem to have forgotten that we live in a fallen world (as a result of original sin). God didn’t create deformities and ugliness - sin did.
You seem to have forgotten that we live in a fallen world (as a result of original sin). God didn’t create deformities and ugliness - sin did.
I didn’t realize that the sin of Adam and Eve actually caused ugliness in the physical appearances of animals. Is that a genuine teaching of the Catholic church? Also, its not a deformity, its a species of shark. It’s called the Goblin Shark. You can correct me if i am wrong. I did leave a link.
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No, it doesn’t. “Random” in science doesn’t really mean truly random-- it means that something is incalculable due to complexity.

For example, the new DNA resulting from a sexual encounter depends on which sperm penetrates the egg, out of say a couple hundred million sperm. Nobody could calculate exactly which sperm that will be due to the complexities of fluid dynamics, the individual actions of each sperm in locomotion, etc. But no scientist thinks that anything but purely deterministic physical laws are being followed-- he will think that IF you could know all the starting conditions exactly, in theory at least you COULD know the outcome.

There’s no way of knowing, at any step, if the “random” outcome is actually predetermined or influenced by God in some way.
Where I cannot agree with you is that the huge numbers of fossils
How many fossils have you held in your hands and studied? A million? Ten? One? None? Wait, don’t tell me your “knowledge” of fossils is based on someone else’s opinion!
Yeah, man. Some of these links to outside “experts” are really dodgy. Some of them contain misrepresentations or misunderstandings of basic science so egregious that they could not possibly come from someone who succeeded in passing basics physics or biology courses in high school.
Good point. How about that clown, Albert Einstein? He was just a patents clerk!
We have photographs, and there are plenty of documentaries that show people digging up fossils.

Here’s the thing that baffles me about a certain brand of Christian-- you will argue until you’re blue in the face about facts that you yourself could go confirm if you doubted them. Doubt that fossils are real? Go to China and help dig one up. Go to museums where they are stored and ask them questions.

This is not just my BS internet link vs. your BS internet link-- facts are things you can actually track yourself.
Albert Einstein was not an expert on cosmogony, on religion, or on evolution. What is your point with regard to this thread? There’s literally no connection between Einstein and anything we are talking about.
Yeah, there are fakes in every part of the world. Should I link fake sightings of Jesus to prove that Jesus never existed?
Oh man. Is this really an argument against evolution? Fake fossils. No. How about no fossils and then we can talk about looking for another theory.
He is suggesting that because Einstein had a humble beginning as a patent clerk that this means we should consider uneducated conspiracy theories as expert opinions.
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“Medical science doesn’t care if life evolved from microbes or not - it is only interested in facts, because facts can be useful.”

Indeed. Facts like evolution.
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At a demonic level, yes. But at a human level, it is the result of atheists’ rejection of divine creation - ie, life come into existence naturally somehow, and evolution is the best explanation
Those pesky demons! At a human level… Darwin was a Christian. He did not help discover evolution in an effort to ditch God. No one discovers fossils or takes note of vestigial limbs on whales in an effort to dismiss God. And evolution does not deal with how life began but how it has diversified over time.
The truth is, nothing in applied science depends on the theory that all life on earth evolved from microbes. It’s just a useless, worthless bedtime story; but people like you seem to have been brainwashed into thinking it’s vitally important to science
Except scientists across many disciplines disagree with you.

“Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution.” – Eastern Orthodox Christian Theodosius Dobzhansky

Brainwashed? No one taught me about evolution. I learn about it out of genuine interest. You can, too!
Here’s the thing that baffles me about a certain brand of Christian-- you will argue until you’re blue in the face about facts that you yourself could go confirm if you doubted them.
I’m way past blue. Try green.
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