Maybe. It’s possible that the entire human species as it exists today was descended from a single breeding pair, i.e. an evolutionary bottleneck. Maybe there was a weather system that wiped everyone else out, but they found a nice save cave or something. Who knows?
But you need to learn the difference between inference and guessing. We don’t “guess” that birds are related to certain dinosaurs: we see the skeletal similarities, we see that some dinosaur fossils have feathers, and we can infer that one has evolved into the other.
If I have two kids, and one kid’s at camp, and I come home to a broken vase, I don’t say, “Well. . . I didn’t see it happen, so I guess I’ll never know who broke the vase.” I’ll turn to my one remaining kid and say, “Give me your phone. . . you’re grounded.” That’s because I’m not guessing who did it. . . I’m making an inference, and based on the evidence I have a high enough confidence level in that inference to take action on it.
It may turn out that kid #2 snuck out of camp, snuck into the house, broke the vase, and took off laughing. It’s possible. And if I make enough inferences about my kids’ behavior, I will sometimes get it wrong. That’s fine. But that doesn’t mean that I’m not going to bother trying to understand what’s happening in my house when I’m not there to physically observe it.
That’s how science works-- you go with the best fit for your observations. And if new observations show your ideas to be wrong, you amend or replace them. But so far, the convergence of evidence so heavily favors evolution that it would take a truly remarkable new source of evidence to unseat it-- and I’m sorry, friend, but the Bible ain’t it.