I don’t think so. The idea that humans evolved from simpler creatures has been around since well before Christ.
lolwut? You sure?
“Anaximander held an evolutionary view of living things. The first creatures originated from the moist element by evaporation. Man originated from some other kind of animal, such as fish, since man needs a long period of nurture and could not have survived if he had always been what he is now” - Anaximander, Encyclopaedia Britannica.
“Evolutionary theory begins with the Ionian philosopher Anaximander (ca 611-546 BCE) … he was … one of the first to attempt an explanation of the origin and evolution of the cosmos basd on natural laws” - Evolution and Paleontology in the Ancient World,
Anaximander believed plants and animals arose from mud and that humans were not present at first, but arose later on from fish. Sound familiar?
"Anaximander lost out to Aristotle in the running for Most Famous Ancient Greek Philosopher. That’s a shame, as he may have been the first person to come up with the idea of “animals evolving from other animals.” The only problem is, the spin on it he came up with involved post-puberty humans hatching from fish people.
Darwin’s era was not the first time that people began wondering where humans come from … One of the first to come up with a fact-based solution to this was Anaximander – a Greek philosopher born around 610 BC … Anaximander believed in a progression of animal forms, and that “humans were born from other kinds of animals.” … Anaximander was observational, and one of the things he observed was fetal development. At a time when people still lived in close contact with the animals they ate, this wasn’t so unusual. He had the ability to look at fetal, or still-developing, mammals, birds, and fish. It also appears that he had some experience looking at human fetuses in early stages of development. To Anaximander, the earliest stage of fetal development, in any animal, looked like an early developing fish. If something gestated long enough, he reasoned, it could grow into all kinds of things." - The First Theory of Evolution Involved Fish People,
So theories of evolution have been around for at least 2500 years - and here you are thinking ToE is the consequence of modern science!