it’s being (probably purposefully) vague on what exactly has been revealed, merely that study of some kind has enriched our understanding. Can it mean research that assumes evolution? Perhaps, but even so, research done in such a manner can still review many things.
“vague”? “study of some kind”? Surely you jest!
Paragraph 283 states “The question about the ORIGINS OF THE WORLD AND OF MAN has been the object of many SCIENTIFIC STUDIES which have splendidly ENRICHED OUR KNOWLEDGE of the age and dimensions of the cosmos, the DEVELOPMENT OF LIFE-FORMS AND THE APPEARANCE OF MAN.”
The “origins of the world and of man” doesn’t refer to the history of the world and man, but to how and when the world and man came into existence - how and when they originated (as is stated in paragraph 284 of the CCC. See below).
These studies are then described as having have contributed to our knowledge of “the development of life-forms and the appearance of man.” Golly gee, I wonder what the “development of life-forms” could refer to. Do you think it might just refer to Darwinism; you know, that theory that scientific community is obsessed with and which claims life began as microbes and developed into complex creatures - like man? Have you heard of it?
And what could “the appearance of man” refer to? Creation? Of course not! It refers to how man appeared came into existence as a result of “the development of life-forms” - ie, Darwinism.
This interpretation of paragraph 283 is supported by what is stated in the following paragraph, 284:
“The great interest accorded to THESE STUDIES (ie, the scientific studies mentioned in 283) is strongly stimulated by a question of another order, which goes beyond the proper domain of the natural sciences. It is not only a question of knowing WHEN AND HOW THE UNIVERSE AROSE PHYSICALLY, OR WHEN MAN APPEARED, but rather of discovering the meaning of such an origin …”.
The point is, the Freemason who composed these paragraphs believes “the appearance of man” is a result of evolution, not creation. He then presents this belief as a scientifically proven fact that is as sure as “unerring (infallible) knowledge” handed by God Himself.