Is Darwin's Theory Of Evolution True?

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When are these degrees going to add up make some new species… 4 so-called billion years have already passed by and I see nothing.
So according to you the animals of today are basically the same animals that existed millions of years ago?
No transitional fossils has been found those were complete animals that went extinct.I’m talkin about a fin trying to grow out a dog’s back or gills trying to form on my neck.
What, like viruses and cancers and meteorites and natural disasters. God allows a lot of things to happen.
No transitional fossils has been found those were complete animals that went extinct.I’m talkin about a fin trying to grow out a dog’s back or gills trying to form on my neck.
You are assuming you know what a transitional species would have to look like. It is a scientific mistake to conclude anything from the incompleteness of the fossil record. That is, just because you didn’t see something happen does not mean it didn’t happen.
No, right now… what is evolving, has evolution stopped ?
No, it is continuing as fast as ever. If you read the Scientific American article you can see examples of speciation we have witnessed in our time.
If I could see animals right now, with my own eyes, that are half one thing, and half another… I would believe in Darwin’s Theory of Evolution.
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That doesn’t mean Adam’s parents were human.
Adam’s parents weren’t human but they produced a human baby? How did that work?
In the natural way. Does that sound fantastic? Surreal? Too far out? OK, then I have an alternative for you. A bunch of sand and clay and mud whirled around and coalesced into the shape of a man, became blood vessels, muscles, bones, skin, blood, nerves, etc. That is so much more believable, eh?
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Really? How about if we debate if the Earth is the center of the Solar System instead of the Sun? I mean, did that really get settled for sure? There must be some who still see that issue as “fake science”. 😃 Let’s bring back the Dark Ages, it seems to be good for our religion!
Thanks for proving our point. 🙂
No, I mean vampire bats keep producing vampire bats, and parakeets keep producing parakeets…flying squirrels…produce flying squirrels on… and on… there is nothing random about it.
That is exactly what evolution does. Any new species starts on the same twig of the tree as its parent species. If any primate species splits to produce a new species, then that new species is also a primate. All you are doing here is confirming the way that evolution works.

A designer could produce a pegasus, a mixture of mammal and bird. Evolution cannot do that; all it can do is to produce new species of mammal or new species of bird.

We have never observed a pegasus or any animal like it with crossover characteristics from different branches of the tree.

You are wrong. Evolution is behind the theory of multiple-drug therapy. A virus or bacterium can evolve immunity to a single drug; it is far less likely to evolve immunity to a cocktail of drugs simultaneously.

You can’t prove it because your idea is incorrect.

Adam’s parents produced a human body, but not a human soul. God made the soul and breathed that soul into Adam’s body.

We know that Adam’s body existed before God infused/breathed a soul. There had to be a body for Adam to have nostrils.

When certain people denied that his miracles were the work of God, Jesus accused them of committing a “sin against the Holy Spirt” - for which there is no forgiveness. In a similar vein, in Romans 1, St. Paul says those who deny the existence of God are “without excuse”, as God’s existence is clearly seen in the works of his creation.
Dawkins claimed the design we see is an illusion.

The science is coming in and is leaving evolution behind.
No, it is continuing as fast as ever. If you read the Scientific American article you can see examples of speciation we have witnessed in our time.
Oh yeah - Green Warblers speciating into more Green Warblers is somehow evidence that they are on their way to evolving into eagles or pelicans.
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