Common ancestry? Like humans and apes? One day an ape had a human baby? CRISPR is still in the early stages of being useful. It can cause collateral damage.
They use “intelligently designed” trial and error, not totally random trial and error, (I’m sure you can appreciate that!). And the knowledge gained through an understanding of evolution is the basis for that intelligent design.Look it up and see how much money is spent on drug discovery through trial and error.
Pope Benedict has zero authority on what constitutes proof of a scientific claim.And Pope Benedict said it cannot be proven since it can’t be duplicated in controlled conditions.
One day a human being gave birth to the Son of God.One day an ape had a human baby?
Indeed they do. They rely on the facts about evolution, specifically the mechanisms behind bacteria evolving immunity to antibiotics. By the understanding of those evolutionary mechanisms doctors can better tailor drug regimes to slow down the evolution of immunity to the drug.Such medical therapies rely on facts,
The natural world was created that it might come to know God through us. The most basic of forms that are atoms which make up molecules are like bricks. Neither if they acted according to their natures, would ever construct a house. And, something completely different is needed to make that house a home.If you create a natural world the intent is that you want it to act and develop according to its nature. Otherwise what is the point? (That’s a rhetorical question by the way) Science is the study of its nature and development. The theory of evolution makes perfect sense within that context.
Who is this “everyone” who is quoting popes on evolution?Then everyone should quit quoting Popes because they aren’t scientists.
The question is whether or not there is any way anyone could satisfy you that placing the age of the dinosaurs long before the existence of modern humans is by far the most reasonable explanation of the geologic record as a whole. Could any physical evidence demonstrate that to you, or do you automatically refuse to believe anything that is incompatible with your interpretation of what the Divine Word had to be saying by what was written in Genesis and how it was written?I don’t trust the dating methods. Sure, there were dinosaurs and other animals. That proves nothing.