I have a much fuller beard and eyebrows.
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We can properly accept this because there is no evidence that stands in contradiction to it. But much of this thread rails against evidence because it can’t be reconciled with a particular interpretation of scripture - One the Church herself does not read in the same way as some here do.Eve was not born but made from Adam’s side by God.
Exactly, so you should not be so self-assured. I would tread lightly, to not distance myself from the Church and the truth it reveals to us.If the earlier Church Fathers (most of them are canonised saints) could be wrong about the days of creation, then the current “Church Fathers” can be wrong about evolution. It’s worth noting that of all the things that a Catholic is required to believe, none of them are scientific. And no wonder, the Church is not an infallible judge of science.
OK, I see the misunderstanding. You were talking about personal dogma and @anon65111186 was talking about Catholic dogma. With that understanding, you were correct about personal dogma and Tim was correct about Catholic dogma.Perhaps I didn’t express myself properly in that post. What I meant was, since the Church allows the faithful to completely reject evolution and believe in a literal six days of creation, she allows the faithful to be “dogmatic against evolution”, should they choose. All the same time, the Church allows the faithful to fully accept evolution.
Why not? People do it all the time - put a literal interpretation on a figurative narrative.anon65111186:![]()
This is a misleading statement - if Genesis used '“FIGURATIVE language”, how can the faithful believe in a LITERAL interpretation of it?The account in Genesis uses figurative language, but affirms a primeval event, a deed that took place at the beginning of the history of man.’
I never hear that understanding. I don’t think anyone is that unwitting.What the CCC should say is, the Church allows Genesis to be interpreted figuratively or literally. But it doesn’t; it only mentions the figurative option, thus mislesding the unwitting reader into thinking that is the only option.
That would only be true under the doctrine a “sola scriptura,” which is a protestant, not a Catholic doctrine.anon65111186:![]()
If evolution is incompatible with Scripture, then it is incompatible with the faith … evolution is incompatible with Scripture.How is it obvious that it is an error, you haven’t demonstrated that evolution is incompatible with the faith.
I wonder how anyone can, from their own personal education and knowledge, pass judgement on the Catholic educators?And you find nothing suspect about the theology of evolution? Wow. Let me guess … all your lecturers were theistic evolutionists. The Catholic education system is so corrupt.
Do you mind explaining how exactly it is incompatible? You are making a statement even the Church does not make. What expertise do you have to make such a claim, you who are not the Magisterium?If evolution is incompatible with Scripture, then it is incompatible with the faith … evolution is incompatible with Scripture.
He can do all things. The argument is did He do or not do what He possibly could have, we don’t know either way with certainty.God can create the universe out of nothing and raise people from the dead, yet he can’t take a rib from a man without waking him up?
You must read Genesis as we read all of the Bible, within it’s context. “read the Scripture within the living Tradition of the whole Church”. Though most of the Fathers had the same position, the key point is there was no “moral unanimity” among them on Genesis. So no one can claim them to be right or wrong, there was no unified “right position”.If the earlier Church Fathers (most of them are canonised saints) could be wrong about the days of creation, then the current “Church Fathers” can be wrong about evolution. It’s worth noting that of all the things that a Catholic is required to believe, none of them are scientific. And no wonder, the Church is not an infallible judge of science.
The Catechism statesthe question of the literary forms of the first eleven chapters of Genesis is far more obscure and complex. These literary forms do not correspond to any of our classical categories and cannot be judged in the light of the Greco-Latin or modern literary types. It is therefore impossible to deny or to affirm their historicity as a whole without unduly applying to them norms of a literary type under which they cannot be classed
Scripture presents the work of the Creator symbolically as a succession of six days
You’re right, and millions of Catholics and the Magisterium are wrong? Behold, the Protestant point of view.Now you’re beginning to get the picture!
Forgive him Father for he knows not what he does.And you find nothing suspect about the theology of evolution? Wow. Let me guess … all your lecturers were theistic evolutionists. The Catholic education system is so corrupt.
I never made that claim and neither would any good scientist. An atheist cult does not control it. That is false on the face of it, nobody controls science, it isn’t an organization, anybody can test theories independently on their own.Science is infallible and so is the atheist cult that controls it.
Exactly, thank you @LeafByNiggle! We cannot be dogmatic in the Catholic sense because there is no dogma on evolution. So we cannot be dogmatic personally unless we have incontrovertible proof, otherwise we go beyond what is prohibited by the Magisterium, making pronouncements that even the supreme authority of the Catholic Church wouldn’t dare.OK, I see the misunderstanding. You were talking about personal dogma and @timothyvail was talking about Catholic dogma. With that understanding, you were correct about personal dogma and Tim was correct about Catholic dogma.
Of course, but show all the animals to a child and ask them which one looks most like a human, and they will pick homo naledi or homo ergaster, or others in the supposed family tree.It is no surprise that given the same design building blocks that there are some that look like us and share same features. Many creatures have eyes and appendages.
Polygenism claims humans came from humans. Evolution says homo sapiens came from homo (missing link), i.e. human like animals with no soul. Those are two different ideas.You missed the polygenism part.