Is Darwin's Theory Of Evolution True?

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Dust is dead. Preexistent animals are alive.
It is technically “earth” from which we still to this day are made. Earth in Hebrew is “adama”.

It could be there is just no reference to the animal that gave birth, because it wasn’t important to God to communicate. The important part was the composition of man was from the earth, showing our connection with this material world.
“Memento, homo … quia pulvis es, et in pulverem reverteris” (cf. Gn 3:19). “Remember, man, you are dust and to dust you will return.”

We do not return to a animal.
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So God’s influence on evolution is very powerful.
Exactly, if evolution happened, He was present at every moment of it, allowing it, guiding it.
So random mutations ,natural selection and survival of the fittest aren’t necessary because God guides the whole process ?
We do not return to a animal.
We return to God in heaven with a glorified body.

So when you die does your remaining corpse suddenly crumble into a pile of dust? Your body has more in common with animals because it is material without a soul.
So random mutations ,natural selection and survival of the fittest aren’t necessary because God guides the whole process ?
They aren’t necessary, but they have happened with God being present. I don’t see your point.
Our bodies return to dust upon our earthly death. We get glorified bodies at the final judgement.
“Memento, homo … quia pulvis es, et in pulverem reverteris” (cf. Gn 3:19). “Remember, man, you are dust and to dust you will return.”
The reference to dust here is figurative and unrelated to the “clay” mentioned in Genesis, which is also figurative.
Yes it is. They claim that the god of BUC did it. (blind unguided chance)

If evolution is not blind and is guided it isn’t macro-evolution at all. It is design, creative reason as Pope Benedict XVI said.
It is always figurative even when it is not. Really?

Genesis does not contain purified myths. (Pontifical Biblical Commission 1909[
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So God’s influence on evolution is very powerful.
Exactly, if evolution happened, He was present at every moment of it, allowing it, guiding it.
So random mutations ,natural selection and survival of the fittest aren’t necessary because God guides the whole process ?
They are necessary for different purposes. God’s role in creation is necessary from a philosophical and religious perspective. The role of random mutations and natural selection is necessary from a scientific perspective. Both perspectives are necessary for a complete understanding of creation.
Natural selection is now known to be a conservative process not a creative one. This leaves random mutations which result in loss of function and information.
Yes it is. They claim that the god of BUC did it. (blind unguided chance)
Again the theory in itself claims that it is necessary to believe God has no part in it metaphysically?

Or rather some, not all evolutionists make that claim?
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