Is DNA Designed?

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Looking at Butterflys, Bees, and Dragonflys; the fact of “metamorphosis” makes believe in a designer of DNA. I am unable to imagine how natural selection alone could produce these types of insects. The radical change from crawling and swimming, to having wings and flying seems to leave little room for chance alone. For these animals to survive, they need to undergo there metamorphosis completely. A incomplete change doesn’t allow for survival of a species.
Absolutely correct. But you will notice no or few replies to your observation.
Is DNA Designed?
It certainly seems so and recent scientific discoveries lend evidence to that position.

A recent study came to the conclusion that terrestrial genetic code has within it a mathematical code or signal which can ONLY have been the result of a mega-intelligence. Although DNA has a far greater storage capacity than the genetic code is a far more stable platform that can withstand changes and degradation over cosmological timescales. Logically this leaves only two scenarios. Either a mega-intelligence from within the universe or a mega-intelligence from beyond it is responsible for this signal.

Another study by Oxford University found that humans are predisposed to believe in God and in an afterlife. This is encoded in our DNA.

This when taken with the previous study I mentioned seems to support the concept of the existence of God being being true because if the mathematical signal was left by an alien life form from our universe this mega-intelligence also must believe in God, otherwise why would they “program” us to believe in Him?

A third study has found that the atheistic concept that we are born with a moral blank slate is incorrect and that we are in fact born with an intact moral code. The immediate question is of course “Where did that come from?”

It has also been found that some birds raised in captivity with no contact with others of their species will build their nests in an identical way to bird raised in the wild. This means that this knowledge has be encoded in them from the get-go.

"_5) The skill to build a nest is instinctive, though some studies show that young birds do improve with practice. Some birds raised in captivity can build nests typical of their species without ever having seen one."_

I think the evidence points to the fact that our evolution, in fact the evolution of everything alive today, has been guided.
My opinion is that we run into these sorts of questions because we have a Cartesian mechanistic view of things that says that everything must work like a machine, therefore everything had to be created by something or someone. It is possible that consciousness is infused into everything and that whatever DNA does is simply an agent of a learned pattern. In the case of DNA, it simply tells RNA how to make proteins. Where DNA gets its instructions from could simply be a learned behavior.

All the best
A learned behavior? Right now, using bioinformatics, scientists are taking apart the genome to find out what its parts do. They have no choice. And they are treating it like a device.
Hi Edwest211: Are you referring to the human genome project? Right now they can tell less about your height using genomes than they can by simply looking at your parents. In either case, I would offer that taking something apart to see how it works is a long way from knowing what animus causes it to work like that. I had thought that was the point of the discussion, but sometimes I miss the point.

All the best!
No. The Human Genome Project identified DNA components but scientists ended up with ‘a book we cannot read.’ Therefore, a ‘let’s take it apart’ approach is occurring now called bioinformatics.

Bioinformatics … is an interdisciplinary field that develops methods and software tools for understanding biological data. As an interdisciplinary field of science, bioinformatics combines biology, computer science, mathematics and statistics to analyze and interpret biological data.
Thanks for the clarification Ed (I assume I can call you that if I may). I still wonder if that will bring us closer at some point to understanding the cause, for instance was it an omniscient creator that is separate from the world it made or if it’s a lot simpler than all that, wherein the creator is the creation itself, and it simply learns as it goes and forms habitual behaviors that convey to the next iteration of its development. This would apply both mentally and physically, although I’m not altogether sure that there is a difference between the two. In a case like that, the world isn’t getting instructions from anything. It would just be doing it, like how you make your thyroid gland to work or your heart to beat. And since it’s pretty clear that everything is part of a nested hierarchy that is fractal in nature, then perhaps the whole universe is doing it just the way you’re doing it, making you and me more of an event than a thing. In that way of thinking, you and I are just what the whole universe is doing in the nexus of space and time where we’re sitting. So in some way akin to where a tree is blossoming in some place or another, at the place where you and I are sitting the universe is Edding and Sedonaing.

Just some thoughts.

All the best!
The Creator upholds His Creation daily. He is not a passive observer. From Evangelium Vitae:

“22. Consequently, when the sense of God is lost, the sense of man is also threatened and poisoned, as the Second Vatican Council concisely states: “Without the Creator the creature would disappear … But when God is forgotten the creature itself grows unintelligible”.17 Man is no longer able to see himself as “mysteriously different” from other earthly creatures; he regards himself merely as one more living being, as an organism which, at most, has reached a very high stage of perfection. Enclosed in the narrow horizon of his physical nature, he is somehow reduced to being “a thing”, and no longer grasps the “transcendent” character of his “existence as man”. He no longer considers life as a splendid gift of God, something “sacred” entrusted to his responsibility and thus also to his loving care and “veneration”. Life itself becomes a mere “thing”, which man claims as his exclusive property, completely subject to his control and manipulation.”
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DNA has intelligent design and that requires an Intelligent Designer. There is no other way to create and sustain intelligent design. Randomness does not create intelligent design.
My short answer is “yes”.

A little longer answer is that I think the universe was “setup” so that DNA could be gradually formed. It took billions of years. However, this initial “setup” is how it was “designed”. This is where faith would come into play.

A much longer explanation would be for you to read the book by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin SJ “The Phenomenon of Man”. The book is literally written about how life came into being and how man came into being. It was written by a Jesuit in 1955. It had to be published posthumously because he was forbidden to write it. Both Pope Francis and Benedict have praised Teilhard’s work and ideas though…people are warming up to Teilhard’s ideas slowly.

I really liked the book. As a scientist, I thought the book quite a “trip”. It verges on being something like philosophy. Also, Teilhard says some things that are odd…like the laws of thermal dynamic must be wrong…but you know physicists haven’t figured out how to make their relativity and quantum mechanics theories mesh together after nearly a century, so I don’t see anything wrong with Teilhard questioning thermal dynamics. I was never any good at thermal dynamics anyway…

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Evolution cannot lead to increasing complexity by itself. Billions of years? There is no evidence of that.
Billions of years? There is no evidence of that.
That is a fabrication. The only honest thing you could say is that there is a mountain of evidence - but you cannot accept any of it because it challenges your fundamentalist beliefs.
DNA has intricate structure and order. DNA’s design is evidence of a Designer. You can shake and bake random chemicals for billions of years but it won’t produce DNA.
Incorrect. Original Sin operates on two levels: the spiritual and the physical. It is not known if we can live forever. If our bodies could be turned immortal, we could still die. Humanity would retain its nature - darkened by sin.
So falling off a cliff, a gunshot wound, etc. and you’re dead.
Yes, in theory. But to ignore the very real spiritual danger would end up in catastrophe. Eve was not born in a conventional way. Genetics is not the primary issue. We could not restore the preternatural gifts given to them by God. I have helped design elaborate futures for science-fiction books. Transhumanism is not a good idea. A backup copy of an individual’s mind is beyond current technology. Even if it could be done in the future, where would the backup body come from?

Living forever is a very poorly thought out desire. If a person could live 1,000 years, then what? Friends and family would grow old and die. The sophistication of the technology involved would mean that only the very rich could get this done. And what would they live for? Money?
Incorrect. Original Sin operates on two levels: the spiritual and the physical. It is not known if we can live forever. If our bodies could be turned immortal, we could still die. Humanity would retain its nature - darkened by sin.
So falling off a cliff, a gunshot wound, etc. and you’re dead.
But in theory, we should be able to return humanity to the same genetic state as Adam and Eve. We can recreate God’s design. We may even be able to make a backup copy of the individual human mind, ensuring that even accidental death can be overcome.

In theory, man should be able to live forever, with or without God.
The problem with your theory is that you are assuming the statement “death entered the world” to be a statement about only the genetics of man. And therefore if you could undo the genetic change that “brought death into the world” you could undo death, at least in man. But what if the statement “death entered the world” is a statement about the laws of nature changing and not just a statement about DNA? Then the fact of “death coming into the world” would be totally unrelated to DNA. It is quite possible that when Adam and Eve were expelled from Eden, there was no change at all in their DNA. So there is nothing you can “undo” in genetics to return to Eden.
The problem here is invoking “chance” as if that was all that drove evolution. Evolution is an incremental process; new and novel structures almost never appear, but rather are adaptations of pre-existing structures. As to, say, the beauty of a butterfly’s wings, well even Darwin had observed that sexual selection, while not a form of utility from a pure engineering point of view, plays a significant role in many sexual species.

“Chance”, as in random mutation, genetic drift, sexual variation and other “engines of evolution” is a factor, but these are both constrained by environmental conditions, and are themselves not entirely random. A rather poor analogy is to imagine a spring bubbling up on a mountain. The route it may take to reach the sea is relatively random; as the land itself is random, but in the case of a stream, you have gravity as the major player. Water may take a very circuitous route to flow downstream, one that is essentially random, as dictated by the shape of the land that it has to traverse, but it will eventually reach the sea.

With evolution, the force at play really boil down to differential reproductive success. Environmental pressures are to populations of living organisms as gravity is to a river. You can’t necessarily predict the path any population may go down, but you do know that when you look at any extant organism, it has “reached the sea” by its ancestral population surviving and adapting (through multiple mechanisms) and passing on those genetic traits generation by generation. It’s harder to observe in more complex organisms like plants, fungi and animals, but it can be observed in much faster reproducing organisms like bacteria. Novel traits will evolve, including unpleasant ones like bacteria that evolve the ability to eat nylon or develop resistance to bacteria.
This is often brought up but it does not prove anything. Bacteria in soil were found to be resistant to man-made antibacterial agents already. And bacteria always remain bacteria. The ability to transfer genetic bits between other species of bacteria through Horizontal Gene Transfer is a built-in ability. It was there to begin with. I would argue that this ability to recombine genetic bits and pieces to eventually produce an antidote to a harmful chemical is taking what’s there and moving it around.

Creating novel organs or appendages through incremental changes is not plausible as described. I saw a close-up photo of an insect trapped in amber. It had compound eyes, wings and legs. Incomplete eyes or wings would have made it less likely to find food or avoid predators. It cannot be assumed that a large enough population survived to continue to a completely functional state over thousands or millions of years. A lot of assumptions would have to be made.
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