And yet we see specialized organs adapted from organs evolved for other purposes throughout biology. Your personal rejection is, to be blunt, of little merit in my view.
but I disagree with their conclusion. I think babies may display empathy in choosing the helpful character, rather than knowing right from wrong. Do then, those who chose the unhelpful character display a somewhat sociopathic tendency? Perhaps not, maybe they were just a little less matured and chose randomly.In another experiment the babies were shown a toy dog puppet attempting to open a box, with a friendly teddy bear helping the dog, and an unfriendly teddy thwarting his efforts by sitting on him. After watching at least half a dozen times the babies were given the opportunity to choose one of the teddy bears. The majority chose the helpful teddy.
Utility? We humans have only the slightest glimmer of an idea of what God’s creation does or doesn’t “need.”I have not seen a demonstrated utility for evolution. Otherwise, new drug development would not be so expensive.
Interesting article, “Psychologists say babies know right from wrong … “
If you are using empathy as a synonym for sympathy then you are using it incorrectly. But empathy (understanding the feeling of others (as opposed to sympathising with them)) is part of the larger picture of where our sense of morality comes from.In another experiment the babies were shown a toy dog puppet attempting to open a box, with a friendly teddy bear helping the dog, and an unfriendly teddy thwarting his efforts by sitting on him. After watching at least half a dozen times the babies were given the opportunity to choose one of the teddy bears. The majority chose the helpful teddy.
That doesn’t smack-down evolution, Ed.I have not seen a demonstrated utility for evolution. Otherwise, new drug development would not be so expensive.
If I’m reading you right, evolutionary errors (a.k.a. traits that reduce fitness) don’t get magnified. Natural selection kills them.What? A lot of the ‘evidence’ is based on going back millions of years. One tiny error gets magnified pretty quickly.
These answers are known Ed.I was referring to errors in interpretation related to the very long ages ascribed to fossils. The native environment at any given time millions of years ago has to be taken into account. When did volcanic activity really die down on the early earth? Lots of lava flows that would have killed anything? How about continent surfaces being cracked again and again from rising magma? What was the atmosphere like?
By God. Now the $64,000 question:Is the DNA code designed? yes
Is the DNA molecule designed? yes