Again, you are assuming that instincts indicate a teleology.
I’m not assuming anything. It’s self evident that are thoughts, desires, and intentions are goal orientated. It’s teleological. If you wish to imagine that this is an illusion, that in itself does not make my argument wrong. In fact you have failed to demonstrate that you are right. Try to keep the straw-men to a minimum.
There is none in nature. None whatsoever.
That’s a statement and not an argument.
That nature is blindly led by instincts that have no goal and weren’t designed and are the result of the filter of natural selection. Says evolutionary psychology.
As a scientific statement this can only mean that there is no
direct intelligent intervention in those processes. It is not a metaphysical statement as to whether organisms behave teleologically or not.
If you don’t believe that organisms behave teleologically then that is your philosophical belief and it has nothing to do with science. It is clear that instincts normally cause animals to walk, eat, and act in a manner that supports it’s survival. There is clearly teleology in that behavior. The underlying processes may be blind to whats going on, but the behavior of an organism is clearly conditioned toward the survival of the organism holistically. It’s nature is goal orientated. If you wish to say this is an illusion, that’s okay, but that’s an unsupported conclusion both logically and scientifically. Science has nothing to say on the matter.
And you are wrong in saying that science cannot explain why we do what we do and only how we do it. Evolutionary psychology does nothing other than explain why.
In principle, science can describe how physical objects behave in regard to one another and identify how one particular object moves another object and how that movement might involve a change in it’s nature or correlate to the emergence of some quality. But i don’t know what you mean when you say that evolutionary psychology explains why some quality or thing exists. If you are saying that the trait that drives me to sustain and protect my nature came into existence for that very reason (
so that i would sustain and protect myself) then you are no longer doing science, but instead philosophy, and teleology to be specific. But that can’t be what evolutionary psychologists mean since they are simply describing how things behave. Naaa. I’d rather think that you have misunderstood the goal directed
intentions (
pun intended) of evolutionary psychologists before throwing it out of the scientific pantheon.