Are you desiring to assert that there was a reason behind the fact that the material that formed the planet Earth also allowed for the formation of living entities and, eventually, of a few that could be aware of themselves? An ulterior motive? A mindful intent?
Please answer the questions:
- Did mindless molecules become aware of themselves for no reason whatsoever?
- Is there any evidence that such an event has occurred on other planets?
Labels are great for conveying complex ideas in a compact format.
e.g. yogurt; relativity.
Labels are not explanations.
“guess” is the key word! As the result of an unspecified factor a random collection of atomic particles happened to become aware of themselves and other atomic particles, an event that has never been observed in the entire history of the universe. Until such evidence is produced it remains a gratuitous hypothesis based on the discredited metaphysical theory of logical positivism which overlooked the fact that our primary datum and sole certainty is our mental activity which enables us to infer from our perceptions that physical objects exist.
And this mental activity is directly connected to brain activity.
There is no evidence that mental activity is
always connected to brain activity nor that it depends on brain activity. Hypnosis is an example of how mental activity influences brain activity.
As for that “the result of an unspecified factor a random collection of atomic particles happened to become aware of themselves and other atomic particles”, you’re trying to shift any and all burden, by trying to have a model for everything.
The onus is on you to explain how a random collection of atomic particles happened to become aware of themselves and other atomic particles because you have dogmatically asserted that “the set of millions and millions of neurons in our brains, each connected in some specific way to countless other neurons
must account for all our mind-related experiences, from simple sensory perception to memory storage and retrieval, to imagination…”
Evolution accounts for how biological entities have been seen to develop over time. That leap to “collection of atomic particles” resides in another field of study, another level of detail which is not required for the theory of evolution to operate.
Of course, those particles need to be there and behave as they do, but they’re a given for biology. You don’t need to track each and every single particle… that’s impossible, in practice, and would bring no great insight into the problem.
The issue is
how atomic particles **initiated **the process of development. What happened subsequently is irrelevant - and also a banned topic.**What caused the increase in complexity at the outset?
Sarcasm?.. pff you started it, with your hinting that random particles just magically come into a body and become sentient and capable of abstract thinking…
Since you have given no explanation the origin of rational activity must be either magical or miraculous. Otherwise it is an appeal to ignorance.
Who imbues a particular life form with value?
I value my own life. I value the lives of the members of my family and friends.
I value many other life forms, but not as much.
I devalue life that feeds off my own, like mosquitoes.
Is there some measure of “life value” that is not the one I attribute?
The issue is not whether** we** value life but whether life is intrinsically valuable. If not then human rights are merely human conventions and can be disregarded with impunity…
My personality is great… I just find it tiresome to read ignorant things, over and over and over…
You have failed to explain why the statement “As the result of an unspecified factor a random collection of atomic particles happened to become aware of themselves and other atomic particles, an event that has never been observed in the entire history of the universe.” is fallacious. Is it true or false?
I’m saying something does NOT lead to something else and that’s a non sequitur?!?
The non sequitur is your conclusion “just because humans have mastered the abstract thought niche, it doesn’t mean they’re the only ones there, and it doesn’t mean that aren’t other niches to exploit”. Nothing I have stated leads to that conclusion.
If that is the case why does the human race pose the greatest threat to the survival of all life on this planet?
You’re showing your ignorance, again…
So a nuclear holocaust wouldn’t demonstrate the falsity of the hypothesis that “Abstract thinking is nothing but a survival tool”? The mere fact that countless people have committed suicide shows it doesn’t make sense quite apart from the fact that you have not explained whether concepts like “truth” and “purpose” are meaningless or whether they refer to intangible realities.
“Chance… a word borne out of human ignorance… how fitting you should propose it…” is a clear example of “a logical fallacy in which a claim or argument is dismissed on the basis of some irrelevant fact or supposition about the author or the person being criticized.” - wikipedia
“passing through” is distinct from “existing in”: a vacuum is space void of matter. To be precise it is “quantum vacuum zero-point energy”…
Your statement “the set of millions and millions of neurons in our brains, each connected in some specific way to countless other neurons must account for all our mind-related experiences, from simple sensory perception to memory storage and retrieval, to imagination…” is clear evidence that you believe in logical positivism, the discredited hypothesis that everything can be verified by sense experience even though it is obvious that the verifiability principle itself cannot be verified by sense experience!