New member
I sometimes wonder whether any of us members of faith traditions have it “right.” I realize devout, practicing Catholics believe they and particularly the Church are given the truth by the grace of the Holy Spirit, while other faiths believe they too have the “truth” insofar as G-d enables them to perceive it. This view would apply, I think, even to Baha’is, Quakers, Unitarians, and Buddhists, who have their own interesting belief systems.
My question is: might it be that none of us who participate in organized religions has it exactly right and that organized religion by its very nature is bound to contain false ideas and inaccuracies created by humans who, although they may believe themselves to be divinely inspired in their teachings, are in fact not? This question is not intended to point toward a denial of G-d’s existence or a Deistic attitude of an impersonal G-d, but is rather an expression of the awesome quality of G-d which all religions are not quite able to capture and which they may have an unintentional tendency to limit.
Any thoughts on the matter?
My question is: might it be that none of us who participate in organized religions has it exactly right and that organized religion by its very nature is bound to contain false ideas and inaccuracies created by humans who, although they may believe themselves to be divinely inspired in their teachings, are in fact not? This question is not intended to point toward a denial of G-d’s existence or a Deistic attitude of an impersonal G-d, but is rather an expression of the awesome quality of G-d which all religions are not quite able to capture and which they may have an unintentional tendency to limit.
Any thoughts on the matter?