Is gayness a fiction?

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Lets be real. Every human being was made in the image and likeness of God. Those who experience same sex attraction are no different and should not base their entire identity on their attraction, that would be degrading (in my opinion). Having those attractions should not mean you have to put on this whole new identity on what the typical same sex attracted man or woman looks like acts like etc. In fact, by lumping all those who experience this attraction with a gay identity it labels people who do not want to be labeled that way, and it creates a stigma
It is an aspect of one’s identity that usually one cannot Change.
If OP is arguing that human sexuality is generally fluid and hard to categorize perfectly, well, sure.

But I still think “gay” is a useful shorthand for “people who exclusively or almost exclusively are attracted to the same gender.” Does it capture every variation perfectly? No. But no label does. They’re all in some sense too simple.
You don’t have to have “sexual” relations with someone of the opposite sex to commit sodomy.
But homosexuality is more than just an act, sin or otherwise. It is a proclivity. I have known people who came to realize that they are gay. I never understood that. Who turns you on, who excites you? How can one not know this? If you are one gender and have no attraction to the other gender, that is an important aspect of your being regardless of whether you act on it or not. And that is probably true as long back in history as we go.
You will have to explain that one. Isn’t that part of the definition of “sodomy”?
And why is it so socially accepted? Take the other sins, for example drug addict, adulterer, thief, or my personal favorite, shrew. All the others are considered insulting to use to refer to another.

Lots say that the attraction is a temptation, not a sin. Ok, for the sake of argument lets say it is. Then let’s start describing other people by their temptations, like pedophilia tendency (not acted on), lust for others not my spouse, et cetera. Or my daily temptation to be a shrew.

I say it’s time to stop labeling people gay. I really don’t care to know about anyone’s sexual proclivities or behavior unless the information is necessary for a particular situation.
It is their own self identification for the purpose of solidarity and civil rights.
I believe the old definition of sodomy is just non-vaginal sex. So oral or anal sex, which is practiced by plenty of straight couples too.
I can see how the existence of some kind of culture of gayness, along with all the perceptions and notions (right or wrong) people carry about that culture, might affect what gets said to a boy/man when he tries to communicate to someone, maybe a parent or a doctor, that he is attracted to men.

I became aware that people had ideas that they judged me by that changed how they responded to me when I became Catholic.
I have known people who came to realize that they are gay.
I honestly think they have decided to accept the lies that satan and others (maybe an abuser) are telling them. No one “is” gay. We are what God made us, which is His image and likeness. If we are not reflecting His image, then we need to work toward that goal. We are supposed to be perfect to fit ourselves for heaven. If we do nothing about it on earth, we end up in hell or we spend a long painful time in purgatory.

And I am not talking about “praying away the gay.” It may be God’s will to send a suffering that needs to be accepted at the time. It is a day by day thing like any other vice to be overcome.
Isn’t all that “sexual relations”. Please don’t invoke Clinton.
But it is a vice inherent in one’ s preferred sexual orientation.
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This is what is under discussion. Is the same true for other sexual perversions? Are they aspects of one’s identity which cannot change?
Yes. All that would fall under “sex” as it’s commonly understood. “Sodomy” is kind of an archaic term.
Shrew is a vice I have. I have had this disposition for as long as I can remember, and it is my preferred disposition. I am not kidding. I fight it daily.

I do not identify myself as shrew, even though I know I have this vice. I think you can see my point. We all have battles. I would love to tell off many people, but I try not to as a general rule. I am working toward not even having the mental battle over it. it is a process.
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