This post was inspired by the thread about the possible proof for God’s existence, but it does not fall into the discussion there, so I thought I start a new one.
The non-faith, non-revelation types of arguments all state that the physical universe is insufficient for its own existence in one aspect or another. There are several ways to put this, be it a need for first cause, first mover, etc… They all result in the assumption of an outside source, which they name “god”. This god may not be the God of Christianity, but a supernatural entity, nontheless.
Let’s suppose - for the sake of discussion - that they are correct, and there is such an entity.
What can we say about this being?
Obviously, it cannot be a material entity. It cannot be just a concept, since concepts are “passive” things, they are unable to act.
This being is supposed to be able to act, and act on the material world. That already brings up a serious problem. How can an immaterial entity interface with a material one? Any action presupposes effectors or force or energy to create an action. Action without effectors is not something we are familiar with, we cannot even imagine anything like that.
For theists that is no problem; they simply chalk it up as a “mystery”.
This being is obviously cannot be constrained by space and time, since space and time are not independent of matter and energy. We are not familiar with such existence. But we can say that a timeless existence can only be one thing: “total stasis”. Without “time” there is only an unchanging existence.
Theists agree, of course. They never fail to point out that God is immutable, God never changes. What kind of existence is that? We cannot imagine.
For the theists this is not a problem, either. It is just another “mystery”.
So far, so good.
Now comes the 64 thousand dollar question: How can an entity outside time be able to “act”? Any action presupposes a “change”. Action without change is an oxymoron. And any change presupposes a time, a “before” the change (or action) and an “after” the change (or action).
Existence outside space and time is a “mystery”. Action without effectors is a “mystery”.
But the combination of these two is not a mystery. We can say with absolute certainty, that the combination of “timeless” and “active” existence is a logical contradiction, and since this being is supposed to have both of these attributes, it cannot exist, just like a “square circle” cannot exist.
So the existence of God (any god) is disproven.
The non-faith, non-revelation types of arguments all state that the physical universe is insufficient for its own existence in one aspect or another. There are several ways to put this, be it a need for first cause, first mover, etc… They all result in the assumption of an outside source, which they name “god”. This god may not be the God of Christianity, but a supernatural entity, nontheless.
Let’s suppose - for the sake of discussion - that they are correct, and there is such an entity.
What can we say about this being?
Obviously, it cannot be a material entity. It cannot be just a concept, since concepts are “passive” things, they are unable to act.
This being is supposed to be able to act, and act on the material world. That already brings up a serious problem. How can an immaterial entity interface with a material one? Any action presupposes effectors or force or energy to create an action. Action without effectors is not something we are familiar with, we cannot even imagine anything like that.
For theists that is no problem; they simply chalk it up as a “mystery”.
This being is obviously cannot be constrained by space and time, since space and time are not independent of matter and energy. We are not familiar with such existence. But we can say that a timeless existence can only be one thing: “total stasis”. Without “time” there is only an unchanging existence.
Theists agree, of course. They never fail to point out that God is immutable, God never changes. What kind of existence is that? We cannot imagine.
For the theists this is not a problem, either. It is just another “mystery”.
So far, so good.
Now comes the 64 thousand dollar question: How can an entity outside time be able to “act”? Any action presupposes a “change”. Action without change is an oxymoron. And any change presupposes a time, a “before” the change (or action) and an “after” the change (or action).
Existence outside space and time is a “mystery”. Action without effectors is a “mystery”.
But the combination of these two is not a mystery. We can say with absolute certainty, that the combination of “timeless” and “active” existence is a logical contradiction, and since this being is supposed to have both of these attributes, it cannot exist, just like a “square circle” cannot exist.
So the existence of God (any god) is disproven.