Is God Cruel or Just Imperfect?

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Can someone please tell me why an omnipotent God of Love would create a baby born with Downs Syndrome? And don’t tell me because of Adam and Eve because it’s a cop-out! 😦 😦
That’s a good question. i will say this, every kid with downs syndrome I have ever met have also been some of the happiest kids I have ever met. I used to work at the Y and we would always have one or two in camp. They were always some of our favorite campers. I also had neighbors with a son with DS and he also always had a big smile on his face.

I guess it can be a challenge for the parents, but I think that struggle helps them to really understand true love and sacrafice. The more you sacrifice for others, the closer you get to Christ’s example.
Can someone please tell me why an omnipotent God of Love would create a baby born with Downs Syndrome? And don’t tell me because of Adam and Eve because it’s a cop-out! 😦 😦
Dear wiki,

You sound very angry. Has a child with Downs Syndrome been born into your family or to that of someone close to you?
My 8 month old son had all the signs of “Down Syndrome” while in utero, although after refusing the amnio we couldn’t be sure.

My husband and I prepared ourselves, grieved (the loss of what we believed our child would be) and prayed. Because we believe that every life is precious in his sight, we prayed for the acceptance of His will to love and cherish the life He gave us.

I can’t tell you why people are born with disabilities, why God allows suffering. But you can try to take solace in the fact that, “God’s way is perfect (James 1:17)”. Try to know that adversity gives us ample opportunity to grow in His grace. Children with Down Syndrome deserve to be loved and they do love in return. Please remember they are just as human as you or me, given the same amount of dignity at creation by God.

Here’s a link that may help you or a loved one:

You are facing something that’s difficult to deal with at first, believe me I know. You are not less of a person to have questions about God’s intentions. I pray that you will turn to Him and ask for the grace to persevere in light of difficulty. I also pray that you will defend this life and know he or she has a place in this world.

May God bless you.
Can someone please tell me why an omnipotent God of Love would create a baby born with Downs Syndrome? And don’t tell me because of Adam and Eve because it’s a cop-out! 😦 😦
Our son has High Functioning Autism. The way I look at it is, if God had to give a child with a mental disability to a family, I’m honored that he chose us. I don’t believe it is punishment for anything Adam and Eve did. Women have miscarriages through no fault of their own or anything that happened at the beginning of time. We don’t know God’s purpose. Perhaps the reason for Downs Syndrome is to make the parents stronger. Only God knows. It’s normal to be angry. The truth is I simply have no answers. I just accept my son the way he is. And believe me, I would not change him for anything. He is truly a blessing.

I don’t know if this helps but I tried.

May God bless you,
Can you try to think of this child as a blessed child:) The innocence this child will probably keep his or her whole life:) Do you remember before you really new the troubles of the world?When you could imagine being in a forrest when in reality you were sitting under a bush:) When fear was a foreign word,these children are close to the heart of Jesus.They are a blessing not a punishment.Do not buy into the thinking of the times,God makes no mistakes.God Bless you,Lisa
PS When all is said and done in heaven that childs soul could outshine us all:)
He didn’t. He just allowed it to happen. He also knows that the child will be strong and you are strong enough to carry such a cross. It is a blessing more than a curse. It will help increase Grace and bring you closer to your family and help you count your blessings even more. BE POSITIVE!
Can someone please tell me why an omnipotent God of Love would create a baby born with Downs Syndrome? And don’t tell me because of Adam and Eve because it’s a cop-out! 😦 😦
God creates every human being perfect, disorders of any kind arise from the disorders of nature introduced by the first sin of Adam and Eve. If you are going to reject the truth before we begin the discussion, we probably won’t get very far, will we? God does not deliberately create someone with a disorder, whether Downs, SSA, diabetes, or anything else. All of nature is disordered due to original sin, the accumulated evil accrued by all the evil choices and acts of history, begun at the dawn of the human race. God does allow persons with disorders to be born in order first to work in them for their perfection and to draw them to Himself. He also allows disorder and evil to occur in the world for the same reason, to use them to bring good out of evil so that the good may be shown to us, and to perfect us and the world and to conform us and the world more closely to Himself.

Especially in the case of Downs, God allows them to come to us as a special blessing because they demonstrate to us the perfection in His eyes of innocent souls, and to give us the great, great blessing of contact with such souls.
When I was in labor, getting ready to deliver a child who would die as soon as my body pushed him out before his time, when my mind was raging against this inconceivable situation, the doctors and nurses were explaining to me all the medical problems my child would have if by some miracle he survived. All I could think was, “Who are we to say that his life would not have value?” I couldn’t believe that the prevailing attitude was that a dead baby was better than an imperfect one.

Since then, I have counseled countless women who have held their dead children. I bet every single one of them would gladly have had an “imperfect” child instead.

Why does God let babies die? Why do those of us who would have given anything to carry a baby to term have to watch other women take the gift of life so casually or toss it away?
Why do some women just pop out babies with all different fathers and others of us try month after month to conceive?

I don’t know the answer to any of those questions. I know that God has His reasons, and maybe someday I will be privvy to that information. Maybe not. But I have to trust that He loves me, He knows what He is doing, and that when all is said and done, none of this earthly pain will matter.

I know that I’ve been able to help many women in pain, only because of my “been there” status. I know that I don’t take the gift of motherhood lightly. I know that my faith has been tested in the darkest of nights, and I think it held out pretty good.

When Jesus said “Let the children come to me, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these”, surely a Down’s Syndrome person would be included. Their whole life is spent in a childlike state, and they do not have the capacity for sin. Heaven will probably be bursing with Downs folks, while the rest of us spend our lives trying to have the childlike quality that Jesus asks of us.

God does not make mistakes. I wish you peace.

I don’t believe God is cruel or imperfect. The same God that allows our souls free will also allows our bodies “free will”. Free will for a cell to become cancerous under the wrong circumstances, for example. To intervene would be to not allow us our entire free will. I see God as very loving but can’t see how he could stop nature without throwing a wrench in his whole plan. That is the brain speaking while my heart feels for everyone who’s in pain.

Can someone please tell me why an omnipotent God of Love would create a baby born with Downs Syndrome? And don’t tell me because of Adam and Eve because it’s a cop-out! 😦 😦
That’s not a cop-out. It’s the answer. It just happens to be an answer you either don’t like or don’t understand. We live in a fallen world. Bad things happen.

Of course, I’m not entirely convinced one can argue that Down’s Syndrome is a “bad thing.” It isn’t, after all, a moral evil. Rather, it is an opportunity for us to be more compassionate and understanding.

When Saint Francis of Assisi went blind, he didn’t get all upset about how mean God was. Instead, Francis thanked God because Francis saw his blindness as a way for others to practice the virtues of charity by helping him.

– Mark L. Chance.
Can someone please tell me why an omnipotent God of Love would create a baby born with Downs Syndrome? And don’t tell me because of Adam and Eve because it’s a cop-out! 😦 😦
are you saying a baby with down syndrome an evil?
Can someone please tell me why an omnipotent God of Love would create a baby born with Downs Syndrome? And don’t tell me because of Adam and Eve because it’s a cop-out! 😦 😦
Our son was born with a birth defect. He is now 15 and has had 17 surgeries. With more to come. We never blamed God because of the following verses. They have carried us through over the years.
John 9:1 - 4 “As He passed by, He saw a man blind from birth. And His disciples asked Him, saying, Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he would be born blind? Jesus answered, It was neither that this man sinned nor his parents; but, it was so that the works of God might be displayed in Him We must work the works of Him who sent Me as long as it is day; night is coming when no one can work.”
My wife and I feel that our son has this affliction so he can bring glory to God. He is a very happy kid. He loves God and is not bitter. The kids we see at the hospital he goes to are happy and well adjusted.
Please do not blame God for your loved ones disability. We do not know what God has planned for his/her life. I will pray for you, for peace in this trial.
Imperfect? No
Cruel? Kinda… in so far as I believe in many things he is simply “indifferent” in whether we figure out the “whys” of his ways or not.
God is not cruel nor is He imperfect. That would be Satan.

God created life and gave that gift to humans. God doens’t make the baby have down syndrom. But he knows that it will be so. I one prays in faith, God may heal the child. I know this post was just someone thinking they could outsmart the board, but I’m hoping it really was someone looking for real answers.

Forget Adam and Eve, if you want. If you believe in nature and science, then it is a natural phenomina. And not only limited to the human race.

Don’t say that that Adam and Eve answer is a cop-out - blaming God is a cop-out. That’s what the faithless do. And by doing so, they have no hope to recover the perfection that God has created in them. So, don’t blame. Thank God for the life he’s given and pray for whatever it is you want.
When God gives us a child, He gives us a gift. He gives us a “perfect” gift and it is us that see it as imperfect. God gives us challenges everyday and a child with Down’s Syndrome is one of those challenges. Our duty then is to see God’s perfection in them. They are so loving and kind. They see the world the same way. We are able to see the world in their eyes and that is beautiful. Many “normal” children are not that way. There is no cruelty or imperfection with a DS child. It is a beautiful gift of unconditional love. Look at it this way also, what if the child hadn’t been born with DS? Because he was he was able to open your eyes to a world that you would have never seen before. Of course there will be ugly but that is true under any condition, but there are so many good and wonderful people out there that you would have never met or experienced had the child not had DS. We can never say God is cruel, we just have to remember He has a perfect plan for ALL of us and we just have to trust in Him and His plan. We need to love unconditionally just as He loves us. I understand anger and disappointment because of wanting a “normal” child but there is a reason God choses people to be the parent, grandparent, brother or sister of that child and we need to feel honored and show Him and that child what a wonderful honor it is. God Bless You!
Can someone please tell me why an omnipotent God of Love would create a baby born with Downs Syndrome? And don’t tell me because of Adam and Eve because it’s a cop-out! 😦 😦
Why wouldn’t he create a child with Downs Syndrome?
Just to toss in an extra chip here, the “problem” isn’t when a child is born with something we consider to be a “defect.” Just looking at the biological probabilities, the process of conception and gestation is so unbelievably complex that it is just about miraculous that babies are born at all. The miracle is that it ever goes right.
Can someone please tell me why an omnipotent God of Love would create a baby born with Downs Syndrome? And don’t tell me because of Adam and Eve because it’s a cop-out! 😦 😦
Why does God create anyone or anything? He creates because He loves. Downs Syndrome is simply a result of our immortal, frail, human, imperfect, bodies. God did not create us to be on Earth forever, but for our souls to be with Him for eternity. One of the ways in which we can know, love, and serve God is by loving and taking care of the weak and suffering. Being weak does not make one inferior.

I have a nephew, John William, who has Downs Syndrome. There is nothing I would change about him. His life is full of purpose. He is so pure and holy, sweet and innocent, and truly knows how to love. His smile will melt your heart.

God does not punish us by allowing us to suffer. This is one of the ways in which He loves us. He came down Himself, to our imperfect world to suffer for us, in the most perfect Act of Love on the Cross. There is nothing that we suffer, that he doesn’t already know what it’s like. And remember, anything cruel or imperfect, could not create, but only destroy.
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