Is God Cruel or Just Imperfect?

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Why not the mind and soul? The heart’s just a muscle that pumps blood. Too much is said of a cliched stereotype like that.
When I talk about the “Heart” I speak just as Christ did when he told peter to open his heart and not his mind.
It has been theorized that I have (very mild) Asbergers. I don’t know if this is true or not, but anyway. It gets in the way occasionally, as does my imagination and sevral other things which are probably all tied together, but these things all make me more creative as well. I wouldn’t want to give up some of the things that bother me if it meant I’d never have been able to write my masterpiece movie (which I also obviously give credit to God for making this possible - He gives me a ton of ideas through dreams and real-life events, and inspiration). One of the things you learn as an Economicist is to take trade-offs seriously. This means you have to weigh the good and bad. The good and bad of Down’s is open to debate, and if I had a choice I’d rather not have Down’s syndrome, but if I did, I wouldn’t want to change it because it is God’s plan. It is certainly better than being born with inclinations toward strong feelings of lust, or having some kind of pinhead-sized calcification in one’s brain which causes them to be a psychopathic serial killer (yes, it is possible).
Can someone please tell me why an omnipotent God of Love would create a baby born with Downs Syndrome? And don’t tell me because of Adam and Eve because it’s a cop-out! 😦 😦
When God created Original-Sin-tainted humans, He also created the solution: The grace won by His Son on the cross.

This grace impacts the parents, and the neighbors of the parents, to cope with the Downs Syndrome successfully.

Pray with faith. The answer always comes.

So, trust The Boss.
The baby was created by the parents, the soul is created by God. We have forgotten that it is the soul that is the most important for it is immortal.

The baby is incapable of sin, and the soul will go to heaven. Now, who is more perfect?
He didn’t. He just allowed it to happen. He also knows that the child will be strong and you are strong enough to carry such a cross. It is a blessing more than a curse. It will help increase Grace and bring you closer to your family and help you count your blessings even more. BE POSITIVE!
Not disagreeing with you but I would like to know why God is supposed to get the credit for everything good that happens yet dodge the blame for anything bad that happens. I kknow, I know, we’re supposed to put it in a special box marked “It’s a mystery” and quit thinking. Maybe God is perfect but he created an imperfect world. Even if Adam & Eve never sinned there would still be floods, earthquakes, tornados – and birth defects.

My only answer to Wiki is that Down children can be a blessing. I have a cousin who is Downs and I know other people with “special” children – some have found a lot of joy and one couple couldn’t take it and divorced. I pray you will be in the first category.

My own son is ADHD (which I know isn’t in the same league) and has learning problems. He is fifteen and doing very well now (he’s fifteen) and the big battle has always been getting him the services ha has needed which will be even greater in your case.
Can someone please tell me why an omnipotent God of Love would create a baby born with Downs Syndrome? And don’t tell me because of Adam and Eve because it’s a cop-out! 😦 😦
I’ll assume that you have either found out you will be having such a child, or already have one…

Being given a child, in any form is not only a blessing from God (usually in ways we can not comprehend initially), but part of His plan for our salvation. Could it be that this child, through his/her suffering will bring about some miraculous changes in your thinking and life here? We don’t always understand the why, that’s ‘why’ we shouldn’t ask why just do the job/ live the life, that God has called us to live. If it be taking care of such a child, then you will eventually understand why.

Children/People with Downs Syndrome have one gift that many others should strive for. They see through the eyes of a child…This is what God asks for all of us. Keep our innocent faith. Don’t question why. Just believe… Maybe this is one reason why God would allow such suffering to be had.

God bless you.
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