This question is answered by addressing the one most overall, most fundamental law that God uses His Wisdom to govern His Creation with. Knowing the answer to this question is irrevalent to you living a life pleasing to God, dying in His Grace and existing forever in a state that is beyond perfection, generally speaking. However, it is a part of wisdom and other than the law of existence/nonexistence (the Creation itself) it is the greatest law that governs Creation. The 3rd greatest law within Creation, just to give you a better picure of the scope of what you are asking is purpose and destiny. This is by looking at Creation from a perspective that make it easy to understand. However, from God’s “point of view” all things are simply one, in the sense that all things are His Will. That is the best way to describe Creation for us to understand it. But, ultimately even His Will, from God’s “viewpoint” is simply Him. To go into all of that is another story, but I must start my answer like this just to create perspective.
From God’s point of view (which we must be in alignment with, if we are able, to understand truth), ultimately, in the greatest, most proper sense, there is no such thing as good and evil. He recognizes that we use these terms so He may address them to us, because doing so is consistent with our purpose. 99.99999% of the time a person says good and evil, good and evil simply means what that person’s opinion of good and evil is. Take a look at what you see good and evil as being, analyse it and I guarantee that if you look at the ultimate qualifier of your definition, it will be “your opinion, unless you have answered as is illustrated as follows.”
This is what good and evil is (this will answer your question about is God responsible) - The force that most powerfully determines the ultimate meaning and state of anything that exists/and doesn’t exist, for that matter is not good and evil, per say, it is God’s Grace or Lack of God’s Grace. Now the question comes, how do you define the Lack of God’s Grace. This is the definition of the Lack of God’s Grace - The Omnipotent Alignment of an Entity into Conforment With God’s Will AGAINST the Entity’s Will. This is necessary, because within God’s Purpose, this gives God full Glory by manifesting the fact that IN SPITE of the entity, God’s Will Prevails, Nontheless. Evil (Lack of God’s Grace) exists on two levels. Level One is actually protected within/overpowered by His Grace and is therefore really apart of His Grace. Level Two is the eternal testament to glorify God, by eternally testifying to the fact that inspite of an entity’s will, it’s will will still forceably be in alignment with God’s Will. This is called God’s Wrath. God’s Wrath, infinitely exceeds the most dreadful, terrible description of evil that anyone could ever come up with. The expression of God’s Wrath is the result of being in a state of emnity with God because, your will didn’t willingly come into alignment with His. Therefore, the entity recieves something that is worse than infinite hatred and infinite malevolence from God. What the will of that entity receives is a degree that is beyond infinite of exactly would that will would not will upon itself as the ultimate expression to the fact that God Prevails regardless of the total sum meaning of that entity which refused to willingly align with God, even though God gave the entity the will in the first place! The reason that happens is because it is a part of the final expression of perfection within creation! Why, because perfection within creation is simply the fact that all creation is only created to glorify God in a way that is relative to what the created entity is!
To finish and make absolute (within relative necessity) the meaning of Good vs Evil or God’s Grace vs God’s Emnity is a consequential result of the fact that for all entities that God judges to have a will that is great enough to have the potential of consciently becoming in alignment with His Will, is God’s Challenge to that will! God’s Challenge (or test, if you will) governs all good and evil, God’s Grace or God’s Emnity. So really what exists is God’s Challenge! Good or Evil, is a result of how your will responds to God’s Challenge!
The answer to is God Responsible For All Evil is Yes and No, depending on the level at which you’re asking the question. From the Ultimate Point of View, Yes God is Responsible For All Evil (He is the Ultimate Cause of His Lack of Grace, whenever, wherever that may be.) Also, God created all that is in the first place, so the choice that enables evil and the result is God’s Will, for that to be the reality! However, God does not wrong any of His Creatures. Why, because on the other level the answer is no, God is not responsible, because we had a choice. If we made the evil choice, then we failed to align our will to God’s will, willingly, therefore we fail God’s challenge, and therefore the responsibility is forced upon us, because this is what we owe God for creating us! Life isn’t free, live costs us to align our will with God’s Will, willingly, in a way that is absolute. God recognizes our flaws and therefore, even if we fall short when doing our best to do this, He is the judge of if we actually did align our Will, with His Will, willingly or not! Of course He’s Merciful and Forgiving, but the ultimate question that He judges us by is was our will willingly in alignment with His.
To get more explicit - God’s Challenge is the eternal identity of you will be determined by the culmination of the meaning of your self. This is determined by the culmination of the meaning of your will. Your will is the sum total of your meaning. This is the meaning of life. To determine who you are eternally, as a result of the culmination of the meaning of your will.
The best way to describe everything that we experience in life in terms of good vs evil is this God’s Grace vs a Sign of God’s Wrath. Really in life there is no definite evil (level one evil or level one Lack of Grace), unless it is tied into God’s Wrath (level two). Level one evil/Lack of Grace therefore can result in level 2 evil (Wrath) or good (Grace). Level one evil is anything that can cause a negative consequence in life. This could be pain (great or small), stealing, murder, discomfort, failure of that which is worthwhile, hatred, calamities, nuclear weapons used or not, etc. In and of themselves, none of them are a definite evil or a definite lack of God’s Grace. What they are is a sign of evil or a sign of the lack of God’s Grace. Not a sign that it is a mandatory consequence, but a sign that the Lack of God’s Grace is a reality. These incidents are allowed by God to Challenge our will. The result of what they are is determined by the culmination of our will in life. Say for instance, I bumped my head so hard it started bleeding, my family was killed, or my entire leg was blown off. For me to be in complete accurate truth and my will willingly aligned with God’s Will, as hurt as I may be, it would be proper for me to say, that was God’s will, it is a challenge to my will and a reminder to the fact that God’s lack of Grace is real, even though that may seem to be a lack of grace to me at the time, and it very well be if that moment were isolated and was all that existed, however if I accept it as God’s Will then it really will conclude in being Grace, because in eternity all that was less than fortunate in the world will be consumed by God’s Grace, because the Blessing that your will recieves in God’s Eternal Grace is infinite, at the least, and therefore, consumes and absolutely overrides anything that was level one evil in the world. However, if those acts were committed by a person and God does not forgive that person, then, that person is consumed by level 2 evil (God’s Wrath) and the sign that existed in life of the evil is a precurser to the greater evil. If it were an earthquake or even nuclear bomb that killed people, then level 2 evil is instant for those killed whose will was not aligned willingly with God, but God’s Grace is the result for those killed whose will is willingly aligned with God’s…
Finally, an argument can be made, well God is evil (wrong) for allowing Lack of His Grace in the first place. Not! Because, all things must be kept in perspective to understand the truth! If God wanted, all that existed could have been His Wrath and no such thing as His Grace! All of Creation could have been created in His Wrath, period, the end, against the will of all things! This could be reality right now, just as easily as what is reality right now, and not a soul could make a difference! You could argue, true, but His Grace could also been all that existed too! True, but the answer of the meaning of that lies in our identity! Our purpose. It goes back to the reality of responsibility, in reference to our identities! It is not a question of God being right or wrong (in the Ultimate sense God is neither right or wrong, good or evil, in the ultimate sense, God is just the Uncreated God, that is beyond the definition of any created attribute). Therefore, in the end, the final question to describe truth is what is your identity? It is the identity that will determine the relevance of the meaning of the truth that exists in creation, for the particular, specific soul in question…