Thank you all for your replies! You all gave me a lot to think about. I would agree to an extent that some forms of entertainment are “better” than others. For example, doing something creative with a family member is not only creative, but also a bonding experience, and thus “better” than say, “watching a movie by yourself”
I just worry about if it is bad to not always choose the absolute “best” option. What if I am tired, and want to watch a movie by myself? Or play a game? I like to lump Movies, Reading Fiction, Video games, into the category of “fiction” as they are fantasy worlds. I may prefer video games over movies, and fiction books, but they are all 3 fantasy worlds in which we “escape” into.
I would argue though, that fiction can be mindless entertainment, but that it can also teach us life lessons by experiencing things virtually that we can’t, or wont experience in reality. So I think it is the duty of fiction creators (movies, books, games, etc) to craft narratives, and experiences that will make the participant a better person from the lessons and experiences in said fantasy.
You guys bring up so many great points. Another point mentioned was that every hour spent playing games (or other fun activity) is although an hour spent not praying, it is also an hour not robbing banks. Maybe it is our goal as Christians to desire to continually pray forever (That’s what heaven is right?) but maybe we wren’t there yet in our journey. Maybe an hour a day is the most we can do before we get borred out of our mind. Better to play video games than watch porn, or commit crimes.
Also, since video games, movies, books, and music are here to stay, and a big part of our culture. It makes sense that we need good people in these industries to offer good options. I love a good FPS game like the next guy, but I get tired of seeing the same game over and over. Here’s a gun, go kill things. We need more options. I don’t think kids should be playing really violent video games, so we need good games for them to play, just the same with books, movies, and music.
There’s no way we can be leaders in these industries if we ourselves don’t also partake in these activities.
I also like the point made about supporting other’s artistic expression.
Thank you all gain for your replies! I really appreciate it!