Anyways, I was thinking that maybe playing video games is a way to learn patience (which God wants us to do) in that by playing a video game I’m not making “progress” in a finished amazing art piece, so yeah, patience. Also, I think it is humility. My mindset for the last few years has been “I’m X years old. I should be working in this career by now. No I’m too good for retail. This isn’t reality” I thought that if I allowed myself to have fun, then I would become content, and then I would never get a good career.
Now I am thinking that by playing video games, not only am I learning patience, but also humility, (Yeah I’m 29 and playing video games working a crappy job. Call me whatever names you want. I only need God’s approval, not yours!) It also is trusting in God that maybe I wont stay poor forever. Maybe it is okay to have fun, and “waste time” and maybe I will become successful and get over this depression, and art block. Then I can create video games that help people, and show God’s Beauty.
Also, the first 5 words of the bible “In the beginning God created…” He made us in his own image, with the ability to also create. Although all creation we do is really a remix, of ideas that already exist. So to create is to glorify him (provided we don’t abuse our creativity for evil) So creating video games is the creation of worlds full of beauty and splendor which reflect the beauty and creativity of God. Our creations can’t compare to God’s infinite beauty and creation, but they are still good. Then to enjoy these creations is to be humble, and be in awe of how tiny humans can create worlds, and experiences. These digital worlds not only look real (or beautiful cartoony) they feel real, and its amazing how we as a species have learned so much about God’s creation to create computers, and use logic, and math to create computer programs of such complexity, and then mix them in with art, music, story, etc. Video games truly are the collaboration between all art forms and science. It’s kind of amazing, and I think glorifies God when you realize this.
Anyways, those are my thoughts. Thank you all again so much for your responses!