Wow, fancy.My older daughter has her alarm clock synched with her coffee pot
Wow, fancy.My older daughter has her alarm clock synched with her coffee pot
Hodos, I’m on your side of this issue! I completely agree! I appreciate your post!Therefore healthcare is not a right, it is a commodity that is consumed with the expectation of providing an equal exchange of goods or labor.
From #166 of thisThe demands of the common good are dependent on the social conditions of each historical period and are strictly connected to respect for and the integral promotion of the person and his fundamental rights. These demands concern above all the commitment to peace, the organization of the State’s powers, a sound juridical system, the protection of the environment, and the provision of essential services to all, some of which are at the same time human rights: food, housing, work, education and access to culture, transportation, basic health care, the freedom of communication and expression, and the protection of religious freedom.
You actually said that you’d bet there were people in the UK who couldn’t access health care. Not that it has problems. That comment was completely wrong. Everyone has access.I’m only repeating what many in the UK say about that system and it’s failures over the decades.
This isn’t an either/solution. What other countries do is get everyone to chip in a small amount so that there is health care for all. It helps those who wouldn’t be able to afford it otherwise. If you can afford to pay for better care and your own doctor and an operation when it’s convenient and a private room, then do so.jesusmademe:![]()
I think taxes might be an issue for some, but it’s not the basis for my concern. I wonder about the different ways in which healthcare is rationed in each system.I think a lot of the discussion have to be about taxes.
I worry that one way to limit health care costs (which are a problem in countries with a greater emphasis upon state supplied health care as well as in countries with a more mixed economy style health care system) might involve care for the elderly, particularly as I watch some of the euthenasia issues arising in Europe (and, increasingly, in the United States).
According to the Compendium of the Social Teaching of the Church health care is a right.
If a government provides a health care system payed by taxes then it is your RIGHT to access and be treated by that systemOur right as TAX payers should be open and unhindered access to a system that you pay to provide for you.
I’m not so sure about this. i think it needs a qualifier or two. You might be able to access a system but you may find it is unwilling to provide certain services or that it puts you into a system where, by the time you’ve seen the doctor who can order the doctor to order the tester to give you the test, you’re in pretty bad shape.If a government provides a health care system payed by taxes then it is your RIGHT to access and be treated by that system
The US government runs a better military than the states could. It runs better and more efficient law enforcement than the states. The federal court system is far better than most states’ court systems, and more efficient to boot. And the single most efficient health insurance program in the United States is Medicare, whose administrative costs run at about two percent of operating expenditures, versus private health insurance plans, which run at about 17 percent of expenditures.I’m not for socialized medicine / single payer in the US because the US government has proven time and again, that it does nothing cost effectively. Nothing. If someone wants to look at the quality of government run healthcare, then look at the VA system, which I haven’t found many people willing to vouch for its quality.
Marie,You dont Say that when your country pays trillions of your money to make War to poor people who did nothing against you ! But to save lives by healthcare that you doesn’t want ! Egoism is a sin. Only in USA people criticize free healthcare. In France we have it since a Long Time and everybody love it its wonderfull you dont have to be anxious for people you Care if they are ill. Now Only countries of the third World doesn’t have free healthcare. Its wonderfull and I hope you Will benefit of it soon.
Honestly, you are comparing apples and oranges.It runs better and more efficient law enforcement than the states. The federal court system is far better than most states’ court systems, and more efficient to boot