No you don’t get excellent care. I know people who have gone to multiple doctors before finding one that they could work with. I have a mental disorder which, among other things, makes it extremely difficult to tolerate being touched. I have a gynecologist I have been going to for decades and this is a doctor who understands my problem and has a gentle manner that makes me feel safe.And if you want your own doctor? You pay hefty insurance premiums. If you can’t afford that then you still get a well qualifed doctor who will give you excellent care.
I couldn’t just go to a different stranger each time, start all over each time, have to be touched by a brand new person each time, not knowing whether they are going to spend triple the amount of time with me to gradually make me comfortable with the touching. I don’t know how they will react when (not if) I freak out.
I could give plenty of other examples of people who developed good rapports with their doctors over years and decades. What a doctor learns about a patient she has known for 10, 20, 30 years cannot be duplicated by a stranger who just met you two seconds ago.