Why not? Death and debt is a rock and a hard place. There’s nothing good there.I’ve also experienced healthcare emergencies without insurance.
And I continue to say, this does not have to be looked at as a bad thing.
Ok, I’m being a bit dramatic. But I fail to see how telling someone who’s poor that “oh don’t worry, this horrible medical debt isn’t a bad thing, it’s good for you!”
It’s good for you if you make it through to the other side, because you can look back and reflect on how that experience formed you.
For the majority who don’t clear that hurdle, it’s just another financial worry to add to the pile. It doesn’t help with personal growth at all.
If you’ll permit me to be anecdotal here:My grandparents spent over a decade paying off medical bills, one payment at a time, after my grandmother suffered a severe fall and a very high risk pregnancy. I grew up on the stories and never heard a word of complaint.
I didn’t sleep well as a kid. I still don’t sleep well as an adult, to be frank. Involuntary all-nighters were and are an unfortunate reality of my life.
So I’d be awake at 3am in our house, and every so often I’d get up to grab a water or read a book or something, since I wasn’t gonna be able to sleep anyway.
You know what’d I hear?
Fighting, sobbing, arguments, and very emotional conversations between my parents about money, about how we’re going to afford that EpiPen and maybe we can skip dinner on this day or that day and we’ll make it work somehow, just have faith.
I never saw my parents act like that during normal hours of the day.
I’m willing to bet good money that your Grandparents probably had several gripes about their situation, they just didn’t want to let the kids in on it.
It isn’t. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t something we can’t work to prevent or at the very least make more manageable.Poverty is not a crime and it does not detract from my value which comes from being a child of God.
Like it or not, the definition of communal level has changed thanks to modern developments. We are now capable of creating change on a global scale.Giving money to the state to take over this role can decrease our connection to each other and shift the focus in ways that I think are less likely to uphold our value as coming from God.
Maybe the small communities idea worked in the past, but with technology and our increasingly global society, I say that it’s more than charitable to prevent tragedies from happening.