Is Immigration a bad thing?

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Is Immigration a bad thing?

I live in Southern California and I was asked one time, about my view on immigration and boarder security, specifically the Mexican / American boarder. My response is, Mexican’s are prominently Catholic. I will never be apposed to “Catholics” coming to American. As long as they do not come here to cause harm. Most Irish and Italian immigrants were also Cathotolic and were minorities, persecuted because of their Catholic beliefs. Our country was founded by Protestants and nearly all of our Founding Fathers were Protestant. Considering the Catholic Church’s strong stance against the horrible scourge of abortion, maybe increasing the number of practicing Catholics in our U.S. population, can help to overturn Rowe V. Wade. We can only hope and pray!

Yours in Christ,

Jimmy B
If immigration is a bad thing, 95% of us in this country need to go back to our country of origin (if we even know where it ist)
Immigration is wonderful if it’s done LEGALLY. It’s not the legal immigrants that are the problem in this country it’s the illegal immigrants. Not because they are likely to be involved in criminal activities. Most of them are not. BUt if illegal they work under the radar screens which is neither safe for them nor fiscally good for the US. Illegal immigrants take much more out of the system than they put into it. Further to LEGALLY immigrate you have to prove you are not going to be a burden to society. I work for a doctor who’s brought family members over and although he agrees to sponser them for a time they must prove they have the ability to earn a living or they are not allowed in. We have enough people who are government supported without importing more of them

LIsa N
No, it’s not. That is why this country is called a melting pot.
No,immigration is not a bad thing. That is why this country is called a melting pot.
Jimmy B:

Is Immigration a bad thing?

I live in Southern California and I was asked one time, about my view on immigration and boarder security, specifically the Mexican / American boarder. My response is, Mexican’s are prominently Catholic. I will never be apposed to “Catholics” coming to American. As long as they do not come here to cause harm. Most Irish and Italian immigrants were also Cathotolic and were minorities, persecuted because of their Catholic beliefs. Our country was founded by Protestants and nearly all of our Founding Fathers were Protestant. Considering the Catholic Church’s strong stance against the horrible scourge of abortion, maybe increasing the number of practicing Catholics in our U.S. population, can help to overturn Rowe V. Wade. We can only hope and pray!

Yours in Christ,

Jimmy B
LEGAL immigration is a human right acording to Catholic Social Teaching.
That is why this country is called a melting pot.
Unfortunatly, we are not the melting pot we used to be. Until recently the second generation of immigrants have assimilated nicely, but now we have second generations of immigrants that are being raised without even learning the language in which our laws and history are written. This will destroy us as a unified people in the long run.
Immigration just is. It’s a natural thing. It’s an inevitable, natural event. I don’t think you can call it good or bad. It’s just people moving to a place they think offers them a better chance to live a happy life.

Can it have negative social implications on a society? Yes. For instance, in Europe now, the Muslim population is gaining more and more of a foothold, and is gradually replacing the native population. Many view this as a negative thing.
Lisa N:
Immigration is wonderful if it’s done LEGALLY. It’s not the legal immigrants that are the problem in this country it’s the illegal immigrants. Not because they are likely to be involved in criminal activities. Most of them are not. BUt if illegal they work under the radar screens which is neither safe for them nor fiscally good for the US. Illegal immigrants take much more out of the system than they put into it. Further to LEGALLY immigrate you have to prove you are not going to be a burden to society. I work for a doctor who’s brought family members over and although he agrees to sponser them for a time they must prove they have the ability to earn a living or they are not allowed in. We have enough people who are government supported without importing more of them

LIsa N
I agree with you 100%, Lisa. When people are allowed in this country illegally, they make fools of the people that have studied and LEGALLY obtained citizenship. We just can not have open borders and allow everbody in here that wants to come. All we need to do is enforce the laws we have now.
If immigration is a bad thing, 95% of us in this country need to go back to our country of origin (if we even know where it ist)

Er,ah, my ancestors came befor 1800. There was no immigration service then.

But the immigrants who came after 1844 had to go by the rules. I would point out that the great influx of immigrants who came from 1870 until 1920 were all coming here under a quota. They had to pass a medical exam too. The Italians, Germans, Greeks, French and Scotish were able to blend into the American Culture in a few years.

We are talking about unskilled, uneducated and often carriers of tuberculosis ILLEGALY entering the U.S… They are Illegal Immigrants. Where I live 1/2 the prisoners in the County Jail are Illegals. Get ready for a shock - our County spends over 2 million per month on medical services for Illegals. Now think, 14 million a year for a County is outrageous - this is because of a Federal Law. Scotty - Beam me up!

I cannot understand why the President doesn’t face up to the tremendous problems we have on the Border. I live 8 miles from the Mexican Border and the criminal acts we have here is 80% by illegals. They just don’t care, because nothing happens to them if the crimes are small, like stealing from homes or back yards. The ones coming from Mexico are low life, with their hands out for welfare.
Borders are created by governments not God.
On the other hand governemnts have the right to create borders.
Immigration is a human right.
Immigration control is a governments right

Ergo no easy answer on this one the church in the USA is rahther symphathetic to the illegal immigrant even though they broke the law to get here on the other hand they still should be afforded human dignity and human rights meaning the right to medical care something some of the propostions and laws here would deny these human beings. However they are breaking the law and the governement has the right to deny them some government entitlements such as welfare or workers compensation etc
Its pretty tricky issue which invloves the rights of indivdiduals, and the rights of government. ITs not cut and dry as proponenets on the left or right would have you believe.
Exporter said:

We are talking about unskilled, uneducated and often carriers of tuberculosis ILLEGALY entering the U.S… They are Illegal Immigrants.

I cannot understand why the President doesn’t face up to the tremendous problems we have on the Border. I live 8 miles from the Mexican Border and the criminal acts we have here is 80% by illegals. They just don’t care, because nothing happens to them if the crimes are small, like stealing from homes or back yards. The ones coming from Mexico are low life, with their hands out for welfare.

Shame on you, a Catholic, for such xenophobic rants. And I"m not sure where you got the tuberculosis thing; that has nothing to do with immigrants and everything to do with prison sanitation and air flow methods.

I do not support illegal immigration any more than you do, but to characterize “the ones coming from Mexico” as “low life” is beyond un-Christian; it’s just silly.

Having worked for 5 years at a shelter for Hispanic immigrants, I can say that none of the thousands of men and women we worked with were eligible for welfare; it was impossible for them to be accepted. And TB? lol.

These were very poor families who could not feed their children on the other side of the border. Rather than see the kids starve, they came here. Our guests were driven, enthusiastic upwardly-mobile laborers who took less-than-minimum-wage jobs that generally lasted from 5 a.m. to 11 p.m. EVERY DAY. They abhorred crime as much as you or I.

Yes, the immigrant Hispanic community in the U.S. lacks education, and education is the key to their success and assimilation here. They are certainly not going back to Mexico, so we’d best not let wishful thinking drive our arguments.
Check out for a look at a proactive approach to this problem.

You can mount an intelligent attack on illegal immigration without resorting to uninformed, ethnocentric diatribes that are driven by your fear, not facts.

Shame on you, a Catholic, for such xenophobic rants. And I"m not sure where you got the tuberculosis thing; that has nothing to do with immigrants and everything to do with prison sanitation and air flow methods.

I do not support illegal immigration any more than you do, but to characterize “the ones coming from Mexico” as “low life” is beyond un-Christian; it’s just silly.

Having worked for 5 years at a shelter for Hispanic immigrants, I can say that none of the thousands of men and women we worked with were eligible for welfare; it was impossible for them to be accepted. And TB? lol.

These were very poor families who could not feed their children on the other side of the border. Rather than see the kids starve, they came here. Our guests were driven, enthusiastic upwardly-mobile laborers who took less-than-minimum-wage jobs that generally lasted from 5 a.m. to 11 p.m. EVERY DAY. They abhorred crime as much as you or I.

Yes, the immigrant Hispanic community in the U.S. lacks education, and education is the key to their success and assimilation here. They are certainly not going back to Mexico, so we’d best not let wishful thinking drive our arguments.
Check out for a look at a proactive approach to this problem.

You can mount an intelligent attack on illegal immigration without resorting to uninformed, ethnocentric diatribes that are driven by your fear, not facts.
Exporter said:

Er,ah, my ancestors came befor 1800. There was no immigration service then.

But the immigrants who came after 1844 had to go by the rules. I would point out that the great influx of immigrants who came from 1870 until 1920 were all coming here under a quota. They had to pass a medical exam too. The Italians, Germans, Greeks, French and Scotish were able to blend into the American Culture in a few years.

We are talking about unskilled, uneducated and often carriers of tuberculosis ILLEGALY entering the U.S… They are Illegal Immigrants. Where I live 1/2 the prisoners in the County Jail are Illegals. Get ready for a shock - our County spends over 2 million per month on medical services for Illegals. Now think, 14 million a year for a County is outrageous - this is because of a Federal Law. Scotty - Beam me up!

I cannot understand why the President doesn’t face up to the tremendous problems we have on the Border. I live 8 miles from the Mexican Border and the criminal acts we have here is 80% by illegals. They just don’t care, because nothing happens to them if the crimes are small, like stealing from homes or back yards. The ones coming from Mexico are low life, with their hands out for welfare.

Way to go, exporter! Nothing like a few facts to raise peoples’ hackles. We can not go on like this. A lot of these people coming accross are not “just people trying to find a job” as the president says. They are criminals, drug dealers, and terriorists as well. All the security alerts in the world will not do us any good, if we can not control our own borders. A few weeks ago, they were looking in Boston for some people that came accross at Mexico, that were possible terriorists. Get your heads out of the sand, folks.
Exporter said:
. The ones coming from Mexico are low life, with their hands out for welfare.

no, they are not. Sure there are some criminals, even some terrorists trying to enter with illegal passports (see todays news) but most are just looking for a better life. having served in a parish just north of the border and dealing with migrantes all the time, I can assure you many here are just on their way back and forth to work. Many coming through Mexico are also from Guatemala or other central American countries, experiencing immense oppression and hardship, and have come through a very hostile Mexico to come here for the same thing we all enjoy: the right to work, to improve our lot in life, to educate our children and enjoy policical freedoms.

After 7 years of life in the Rio Grande Valley, with much of my time spent among recent immigrants, I can attest that these are some of the hardest working, freedom-loving – and faith-filled – people I have every been privileged to know. If something becomes illegal because the law is unjust, or applied unjustly and inconsistently, where does the moral law kick in?
Way to go Annie. Your answers always resonate with me. Must be because we’re both transplants from Detriot. 👍
no, they are not. Sure there are some criminals, even some terrorists trying to enter with illegal passports (see todays news) but most are just looking for a better life. having served in a parish just north of the border and dealing with migrantes all the time, I can assure you many here are just on their way back and forth to work. Many coming through Mexico are also from Guatemala or other central American countries, experiencing immense oppression and hardship, and have come through a very hostile Mexico to come here for the same thing we all enjoy: the right to work, to improve our lot in life, to educate our children and enjoy policical freedoms.

After 7 years of life in the Rio Grande Valley, with much of my time spent among recent immigrants, I can attest that these are some of the hardest working, freedom-loving – and faith-filled – people I have every been privileged to know. If something becomes illegal because the law is unjust, or applied unjustly and inconsistently, where does the moral law kick in?
Yes I know they are some of the nicest people you would ever meet. I am not against LEGAL immagration, just illegal immagration. Why can’t they wait, study and become legal immagrants? After all, they must have jobs. About all of our industry is down there now. IF THEY ARE HERE ILLEGALLY, THEN THEY ARE BREAKING OUR LAWS. Nuff said.
wow. i wonder if the native americans thought the same about OUR immigration. i wonder what they thought of the diseases WE brought to this land, killing off what our guns didn’t. i wonder what gives us the right to say that, just because our ancestors killed off the peoples who were here before US, WE now have the right to tell those who were NOT fortunate enough to be born here that they certainly cannot come here ‘illegally’ (like our ancestors did) and improve their lives.

i wonder.
wow. i wonder if the native americans thought the same about OUR immigration. i wonder what they thought of the diseases WE brought to this land, killing off what our guns didn’t. i wonder what gives us the right to say that, just because our ancestors killed off the peoples who were here before US, WE now have the right to tell those who were NOT fortunate enough to be born here that they certainly cannot come here ‘illegally’ (like our ancestors did) and improve their lives.

i wonder.
OK then, should we just not have any borders and let everbody in this country no matter what? It’s almost that way now. Why, on the post, does everybody shy away from the word LEGAL? We have immagration laws that we passed by congress, and have been in effect for years. Now, all of a sudden, the laws are not relevent any more. All these people just want to come here to make a better living for their family. Hogwash! If we do not have secure borders, soon we will have no country. It’s time people wake up, and take a look at what is really going on. We’ve got to have LEGAL AND REGULATED IMMAGRATION.
Yes I know they are some of the nicest people you would ever meet. I am not against LEGAL immagration, just illegal immagration. Why can’t they wait, study and become legal immagrants? After all, they must have jobs. About all of our industry is down there now. IF THEY ARE HERE ILLEGALLY, THEN THEY ARE BREAKING OUR LAWS. Nuff said.
They are entering illegally because they cannot get in legally. Not only would it be good to make our border more secure it would be equally good to reform the agencies responsible so that they can deal with the numbers of guest workers and immigrants we are talking about. These things have to be done together.
I think that what the Bush administration has done is a good start.
Our problem is that there are powerfull influences in both parties that do not want to see these reforms.
Also, a broken system generates additional problems as people and organization try to work both with it and around it because it cannot do what it should. That is why a don’t ask don’t tell policy of sorts exists between many public organizations and INS.
I understand that a very high percentage of illegal alliens (most?) dont want to immigrate. They just need to provide for their families.
I can tell you that if I was in that situation I would cross illegaly to provide for my family. We should respect them for that and not label them criminals.
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