Is Immigration a bad thing?

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I’m not sure I have a point to all this information; just that the situation is more complex than some of the silly diatribes offered in other posts recognize. U.S.-Mexico immigration is altering both countries significantly. (Read “Crossing Borders” by Ruben Martinez to see the extent…) That alteration is going to continue and we can’t stick our heads in the sand of xenophobic outcries to avoid it.

I’m not sure if President Bush’s worker policy will work, but it seems to have promise to me. At any rate, something has to be done beyond just building higher fences on the border or knocking them down. As Catholics, we are called to explore alternatives and attitudes motivated by yes, by wisdom, but also charity and compassion; not utilitarianism, fear, hate or callousness.
Just curious if you read my other post about ways to restrict illegal immigration. Do you think illegals should be given drivers’ licenses? Do you think employers should be penalized for knowingly hiring illegals? Do you think that we should deport those found here illegally?

I am not talking about standing on the border with a gun or building a wall and I truly hope the “Guest Worker” plan will be successful. I do realize it is impossible for most to obtain legal RESIDENCY with the cost of legal services etc. Providing an inexpensive process for those who wish to come here to WORK, not sell drugs makes a lot of sense to me.

However I believe that the current system is mutually disgraceful as employers are able to take advantage of illegals who cannot turn to law enforcement while illegals take advantage of our generous welfare/medical benefits. It’s disgusting from both sides of this border. People who come here to do honest work should participate in our system of taxation. Employers should provide worker’s compensation and other protections. There is a mutual benefit of both sides complying with the law.

LIsa N
Legal immigration of any religious group is O.K. to this country.

But the U.S. has 3 million illegal, non-taxpaying, crime inducing, non-voting, non-participant immigrants floating around our nation. And yes illegal immigrants do commit crimes, mostly in substitution for work, and sometimes because they’re criminally inclined to begin with.

My relatives legally immigrated here from Ireland in 1900, from county Roscommon. That is the example I always use in similar debates.
Lisa N:
Just curious if you read my other post about ways to restrict illegal immigration. Do you think illegals should be given drivers’ licenses? Do you think employers should be penalized for knowingly hiring illegals? Do you think that we should deport those found here illegally?

I am not talking about standing on the border with a gun or building a wall and I truly hope the “Guest Worker” plan will be successful. I do realize it is impossible for most to obtain legal RESIDENCY with the cost of legal services etc. Providing an inexpensive process for those who wish to come here to WORK, not sell drugs makes a lot of sense to me.

However I believe that the current system is mutually disgraceful as employers are able to take advantage of illegals who cannot turn to law enforcement while illegals take advantage of our generous welfare/medical benefits. It’s disgusting from both sides of this border. People who come here to do honest work should participate in our system of taxation. Employers should provide worker’s compensation and other protections. There is a mutual benefit of both sides complying with the law.

LIsa N
Very well said, Lisa. Have you ever considered running for office?
California is running a 9 billion dollar deficit, this just happens to be the exact costs of welfare, schooling and incarceration of the illegal alians who have swarmed California and irrevocably altered life in this state. The borders are wide open, it’s not just Mexicans, Philipinos are pouring in here in vast numbers. 4 billion people on this planet live in heaps of trash and know the border is wide open. This can only end in the death of America. Is that the plan by the New J World Order?
Lisa N:
Just curious if you read my other post about ways to restrict illegal immigration. Do you think illegals should be given drivers’ licenses? Do you think employers should be penalized for knowingly hiring illegals? Do you think that we should deport those found here illegally?

I am not talking about standing on the border with a gun or building a wall and I truly hope the “Guest Worker” plan will be successful. I do realize it is impossible for most to obtain legal RESIDENCY with the cost of legal services etc. Providing an inexpensive process for those who wish to come here to WORK, not sell drugs makes a lot of sense to me.

However I believe that the current system is mutually disgraceful as employers are able to take advantage of illegals who cannot turn to law enforcement while illegals take advantage of our generous welfare/medical benefits. It’s disgusting from both sides of this border. People who come here to do honest work should participate in our system of taxation. Employers should provide worker’s compensation and other protections. There is a mutual benefit of both sides complying with the law.

LIsa N
Lisa, you raise good points, and I’ve got no clear answers, obviously. I don’t think illegal immigrants should be given driver’s licenses, mainly because such liscenses are a privilege, not a right like adequate health care, food and basic education.

If all employers were to be penalized for hiring undocumented immigrants, parts of our economy would falter, if not collapse; the agriculture industry in particular is dependent on illegal immigration.

One reason I support a guest worker program is that, as you note, numerous employees take cruel advantage of undocumented immigrants becasue they know the employees have no resource to labor laws when they get stiffed. At the shelter for immigrants where I worked in Houston, I saw this happen almost weekly. The men would put in a full day’s work week (14 hours daily at or below minimum wage digging ditches, painting, etc/) only to be simply refused the money at the end of the week. Two of our guests at the shelter were shot at for demanding their pay later, and another was beaten up in the parking lot.

Regarding medical benefits - I recognize that illegal imigration is putting a burden on our hospital systems, but we cannot refuse basic emergency care to anyone, regardless of their legal status. Again, I have to say the thousands of immigrants who stayed at our shelter “only” went to the hospital to give birth, with bad internal infections or life-threatening, work-related injuries; they were not admitted, which is where the real financial drain on the system begins…They sure weren’t receiving plastic surgery, and the truly costly procedures such as dialysis and chemotherapy were fully funded by us (obviously the hospital wouldn’t admit such cases without insurance). All of them paid cash for clinic and dental visits, so no freebies were possible there either…

You ask whether undocumented immigrants ought to be deported. If they have been convicted of a crime (other than illegal immigration) I think they should. However, it is significant that deportation is listed as one of the most serious sins by the Church document *The Church in the Modern World *(No. 27) and also in *Veritatis Splendor, *(No. 8), and Evangelium Vitae (No. 3):
This should give us Catholic pause.

Finally, I’d like to say for the last time : ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR WELFARE BENEFITS. This silly allegation has been running throughout this thread, and ought to stop. :banghead:
This country used to have a sensible immigration policy and then at some point the floodgates were opened. It is extremely difficult to attempt to assimilate such vast numbers into American society. Our culture and society will be dramatically altered (can we say Bosnia?) unless our immigration policy is completely revamped. Is there not a limit to the ammount of immigration this country can support? Do we want a U.S. population of four, five hundred million or shouold we just shoot for a billion?
I won’t flame you, SavedByHIm, but having worked in Houston’s Mexican community and shelter circuit for almost ten years now, and being married to a Mexican, I’ll try and point out a few of the implications of your observations. Your observations are mostly true, but their simplicity belies a more complex situation.
Maendem, thank you for the explanation. Like I said in my previous post, I was relating what I, as an outsider to the situation, have perceived, but there are always 2 sides to a story.

I agree with the overall theme from most posts on this thread. 'LEGAL" immigration is not a bad thing. However, I can see exceptions to the rule, i.e. imminent danger.

Yours in Christ,
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