I appreciate Michael Behe particularly because he limits himself to his field of expertise. He disproves Darwinism, and implicitly makes his case for ID in the process.
I like him for that reason also.
But as Behe himself points out in “The Edge of Evolution,” the Intelligent Designer remains unidentified.
I think he takes science as far as it can go, and biology alone (and even with the help of physics) cannot identify the Designer. This is so because the Designer transcends the physical world – standing (so to speak) above and beyond it, which is a necessary position to have in order to design it. So, the tools used to understand the created world and see the obvious design in nature, are not sufficient to understand the nature of the Designer. For that, you need higher powered tools – namely, of philosohpy first and then theology later.
ID merely points to the existence of intelligence working in nature. The design that even some atheists can recognize can only be the product of purposeful intelligence. For the reasons you gave, chance mutations and natural processes could not create even the diversity we see in the insect world. The so-called “simplest” and first known multicellular creatures are an enigma to science because they are vastly more complex than Darwinism predicted. DNA itself could not have evolved for reasons which are obvious to an impartial observer. Once present, the information that DNA carries also cannot be the product of mutations since it is precise, complex, ordered and purposeful.
I.D. is a grimacing skeleton. The Designer is faceless. It offers no place where engineers, scientists, and others trained in objective thinking who want to believe in I.D. to go to put some flesh on the skeleton. .
ID is merely the first step in a path for understanding the nature of God. Honest atheists need to look at that evidence as the first step towards accepting the presence of an Intelligent Designer in nature. After that, the journey needs to move towards philosophical paths. Science can really do little more.
So I pronounce Intelligent Design an implausible theory, for lack of any coherent description of the Designer.
You’re judging the theory for something that it does not attempt to provide evidence for. It is not required to give a description of the Designer but only to show that Darwinism is impossibly wrong and that Intelligent Design is the only rational and satisfactory answer we have.
Now again, the support for the nature of the Designer comes from other sources.
Most religions, certainly Catholicism, believe that God created man. Yet no religion has a credible answer for why an omnipotent God would have created human beings, That is an intolerable weakness in religious belief systems. Why?
There is a direct correlation between intelligence and motivation. We expect people to have reasons for doing things. The quality of the reason is expected to improve with the intelligence of the person doing something. A God of infinite intelligence should have an absolutely irrefutable reason for creation. Such reasons are not found in any catechism or bible. The reasons for creation so far offered by religion would not make a decent afternoon soap opera plot, and wouldn’t convince Judge Judy. Or Judge Bill, or Ignatz.
Before I answer this (and many others here can also) – what Catholic answers to this question have you evaluated so far? You have concluded that there is no credible answer so I hope you have looked at the answers that Catholicism gives. Beyond this, we are talking about the Intelligence that created, designed, invented and developed nature, its laws, its structure and it’s plan as it unfolds. I think we have to be careful about thinking that we’re going to receive an “absolutely irrefutable” reason on demand. Nature itself teaches us about the Designer. For one thing, messages that we receive from nature are extremely complex, very subtle and while being intelligible and comprehendable by highly sophisticated, yet precise, mathematical formulas – they come from a Mind that we may not be able to fully capture in a few minutes on a web-forum, or even after years of study.
Dumb as it is, Darwinism does not need to invent a reason for the creation of human beings. That gives it a powerful advantage over Christianity in the minds of those who seek clear and credible answers.
Certainly, yes I think atheistic materialism is a lot simpler, clearer and easier to deal with than theistic philosophical systems. Darwinism is likewise. Unfortunately, Darwinism does not fit the real universe of life and beings such as they really are. It’s an imaginary world – and like all storybook tales, it’s very powerful and attractive on the imagination because the story moves along and everything is wrapped up nicely at the end. All the problems are swept away and Cinderella gets Prince Charming in the end and everybody is happy.
But when we truly search for the nature of the Designer, we have to put aside Darwinian fairy tales.
The creation of human beings has to do with the communication of intelligence and being on creatures. It’s the expansion of the glory of God via intelligent, free beings that are capable of finding and embracing the presence of God. We could look at the beauty of the earth itself – its something communicated and given.