Part 2.
The history of science shows patterns of paradigm invention, acceptance, and collapse. (“The Structure of Scientific Revolutions,” Kuhn.) A good paradigm solves problems, is accepted, which leads to enhanced observations. These eventually disclose flaws in the paradigm. The flaws are ignored, and ignored, and ignored by those within the paradigm’s field of inquiry, despite the data.
They remain ignored until someone (most often someone outside the field of inquiry) invents a new paradigm which explains things better. The new paradigm is initially rejected, but finally accepted. And the cycle of paradigm birth, life, hanging onto life, and finally dying kicking and screaming begins anew.
The problem is that with respect to the question of religion vs. science, this cannot happen. I’ve been wondering why for the last 40-odd years, and thanks to this conversation, finally understand it. I’ll try to explain, but since this in a new idea and it is past my bedtime, don’t expect a lucid explanation.
The paradigm shifts which have made differences have come from individuals working outside the field needing the shift. Galileo tried to introduce science within the Church and was nearly killed for his trouble. His ideas came to fruition thanks to Newton, whose scientific pursuits came under the purview of the Church of England instead of the papacy.
Darwin’s ideas affected religious thinking, but from the perspective of science. It seems noteworthy that both Newton and Darwin were products of the Church of England.
The conflict between religion and science began with the separation of science from religion, first under the protective wing of a religion happy to compete with the Catholic Church, but soon becoming a power onto itself— science is the cute little 4-pound baby that grew up to become a middle linebacker.
We have reached the point whereby a great body of evidence says that in the matter of explaining the beginnings of things, religion and science are both wrong. If this evidence is as valid as I think it is, a serious paradigm shift is clearly in order. But it cannot happen, for there is no shelter for it.
Consider your own position. To you it is obvious that I.D.must be part of any paradigm which explains the beginnings of things. But if I say to you, “well, yes, but the Designer is not the omnipotent God in Whom you believe, but a different kind of intelligent entity altogether, one who thinks, makes mistakes, is shy of the omnipotence and omniscient attributes, and who actually did not always exist,” your brain will reject such ideas.
Similarly before I propose to an ardent Darwinist, “Look, you can solve all the problems regarding probabilities, and you can make Michael Behe go away, and still keep the core ideas Darwin was proposing by simply accepting the notion that life was engineered by a rather large number of disincorporated minds acting at the behest of a logic-limited God,” I’d want to be sure that the Darwinist was not carrying a gun.
My point is, simply, that an alternative theory is needed, but there is no home for it. It is an ugly, deformed, unwanted baby. Neither religion nor science has a home for the little bugger, and by the time philosophers could figure out if the baby was real, or a figment of their existential imagination, it will have died of terminal diaper rash.
Here, we are not only on the same pages, but we can read them out loud. This is good. Seems like we should have encountered one another on other threads.ID merely points to the existence of intelligence working in nature. The design that even some atheists can recognize can only be the product of purposeful intelligence. For the reasons you gave, chance mutations and natural processes could not create even the diversity we see in the insect world. The so-called “simplest” and first known multicellular creatures are an enigma to science because they are vastly more complex than Darwinism predicted. DNA itself could not have evolved for reasons which are obvious to an impartial observer. Once present, the information that DNA carries also cannot be the product of mutations since it is precise, complex, ordered and purposeful.
Here I understand your meaning, and admit that I might have used your very words years ago. Now, I would not, despite the essential truth in what you write. Here is why.ID is merely the first step in a path for understanding the nature of God. Honest atheists need to look at that evidence as the first step towards accepting the presence of an Intelligent Designer in nature. After that, the journey needs to move towards philosophical paths. Science can really do little more.
The history of science shows patterns of paradigm invention, acceptance, and collapse. (“The Structure of Scientific Revolutions,” Kuhn.) A good paradigm solves problems, is accepted, which leads to enhanced observations. These eventually disclose flaws in the paradigm. The flaws are ignored, and ignored, and ignored by those within the paradigm’s field of inquiry, despite the data.
They remain ignored until someone (most often someone outside the field of inquiry) invents a new paradigm which explains things better. The new paradigm is initially rejected, but finally accepted. And the cycle of paradigm birth, life, hanging onto life, and finally dying kicking and screaming begins anew.
The problem is that with respect to the question of religion vs. science, this cannot happen. I’ve been wondering why for the last 40-odd years, and thanks to this conversation, finally understand it. I’ll try to explain, but since this in a new idea and it is past my bedtime, don’t expect a lucid explanation.
The paradigm shifts which have made differences have come from individuals working outside the field needing the shift. Galileo tried to introduce science within the Church and was nearly killed for his trouble. His ideas came to fruition thanks to Newton, whose scientific pursuits came under the purview of the Church of England instead of the papacy.
Darwin’s ideas affected religious thinking, but from the perspective of science. It seems noteworthy that both Newton and Darwin were products of the Church of England.
The conflict between religion and science began with the separation of science from religion, first under the protective wing of a religion happy to compete with the Catholic Church, but soon becoming a power onto itself— science is the cute little 4-pound baby that grew up to become a middle linebacker.
We have reached the point whereby a great body of evidence says that in the matter of explaining the beginnings of things, religion and science are both wrong. If this evidence is as valid as I think it is, a serious paradigm shift is clearly in order. But it cannot happen, for there is no shelter for it.
Consider your own position. To you it is obvious that I.D.must be part of any paradigm which explains the beginnings of things. But if I say to you, “well, yes, but the Designer is not the omnipotent God in Whom you believe, but a different kind of intelligent entity altogether, one who thinks, makes mistakes, is shy of the omnipotence and omniscient attributes, and who actually did not always exist,” your brain will reject such ideas.
Similarly before I propose to an ardent Darwinist, “Look, you can solve all the problems regarding probabilities, and you can make Michael Behe go away, and still keep the core ideas Darwin was proposing by simply accepting the notion that life was engineered by a rather large number of disincorporated minds acting at the behest of a logic-limited God,” I’d want to be sure that the Darwinist was not carrying a gun.
My point is, simply, that an alternative theory is needed, but there is no home for it. It is an ugly, deformed, unwanted baby. Neither religion nor science has a home for the little bugger, and by the time philosophers could figure out if the baby was real, or a figment of their existential imagination, it will have died of terminal diaper rash.