My answer involves Buddhist theology and would be off topic in this discussion. The relation is not chance. Karma is not a chance process.Then how are the physical and non-physical related? By chance?
If there is a hierarchy of purposes then the purposes of the designer must occupy the highest place, above those of humans. Since the malaria parasite was designed by the designer then any interference with the normal workings of the malaria parasite must be interfering with the purpose of the designer.They are not evil because the malaria parasite interferes with and frustrates the purposes of human beings. There is a hierarchy of purposes in nature. Why do you identify the purpose of the malaria parasite with the purpose of Design? You might as well identify the purpose of an evil person with the purpose of the Designer!
According to Professor Behe the malaria parasite is designed. Are you saying that some living organisms are designed while others are not?Nonsense. I have pointed out that there is a large element of chance in evolution, e.g. random mutations.
Buddhism and biology are not identical, they merely agree on this specific point. Both Christianity and Judaism agree that there is only one God, does that make Christianity redundant?If the biological and Buddhist views of humans as a species of animal are identical then Buddhism is redundant.
Human languages, including human sign language. I remember reading an article by one person involved in studies with Washoe, a signing chimp. When he first joined the project Washoe recognised that he was new, and was not very good at sign language, so when she signed to him she slowed down compared to when she signed to the other more experienced scientists. He did not like being signed to slowly by a chimp!Languages without syntax.
Which fails to answer my question, or merely displaces it to “where did the designer get his/her/its/their intelligence from?”Purpose is implicit in the concept of Intelligence.
So far, every example of design that has been proposed by the ID side has been shown to be evolveable. Every single example. 100% failure rate. At the very least this indicates that the current methods of design detection are somewhat lacking or else that the designers are using evolution to instantiate their designs. This last is the theistic evolution position.That is an assumption that needs justification.
No. When Buddhism says everything changes it means it. Change is required for Buddhism to make sense: nirvana has to change from nirvana-without-rossum to nirvana-with-rossum, otherwise the entire path is useless. Buddhism is a set of techniques to attain a goal. Those techniques work now. There is no guarantee that they will work in 1,000,000,000 years time. Buddhists are allowed to try new techniques and to discard old ones as required.Do you believe the truth of Buddhism is eternal?
OT Buddhist theory again.Then how are the mind and body related?
In some ways it does, in other ways not. My mind cannot stop my hairs getting greyer, but it can move my fingers over the keyboard. Many things go on in the body that are not under the control of the mind.Doesn’t the mind control the body in any way?