Is it a sin to make fun of Islam?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Hermione
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I give up. You want to believe everything that you read on the website of an athiest and use it to make jokes about someone else’s faith, fine. You’re the expert. I can’t argue with that.

Believe me, I fully understand your issue with human rights abuses in many Muslim countries and cultures. Those abuses are sinful and shameful and we all ought to be outraged, and should work and pray to bring about their end, as we should be praying and working to bring about an end to ALL human rights abuses. I’m pretty d*** outraged myself that 1.5 million babies are killed in their mothers’ wombs each year, so there you go. However, your original question was “is it a sin to make fun of Islam?”. We answered that whether it was a sin or not, it was certainly in poor taste. You responded with what I can only assume was an attempt at justification for your actions, by posting up excerpts from a questionable website and a handful of Quran verses. I do not dispute that much of Islam is false. If I thought it was truth, I would be a Muslim. I do not and thus I am not. But honestly, what exactly are you trying to accomplish here? Why did you ask this question in the first place if you thought you were in the right to poke fun?

Okay, I think that’s enough for me here. It really bothers me when people make fun of other people’s beliefs, whether those beliefs are true or false. People deserve to be respected, and if we’re making fun of Islam, why on earth would Muslims even want to dialogue with us, let alone listen to anything about our faith? It just doesn’t seem like a useful evangelization tool, nor a way to glorify God.
I gave you so many websites, some of them from respected news agencies!

I gave you quotes from the Quran and the Hadith.

I gave you quotes of Muslim theologians themselves.

Is it wrong to insult Muslim people? Yes. And I regret doing so, I wish I had contained myself. I plan to confess this and never insult people of any faith again.

BUT it is even WORSE to tolerate a belief system that deprives human beings of their fundamental rights.

You’re right people deserve to be respected. Why not start with Muslim women? This is impossible as long Islam is followed.

What am I trying to accomplish here? How about awareness? How about those human beings (just as human as you and I) who are being deprived of their right to live? WE OWE IT TO THEM TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT WHAT’S BEING DONE TO THEM.

What would Jesus do? Do you think Our Lord would stand by and condone a belief system that destroys human lives (literally so, sometimes by brutal stoning)?

Those women who are stoned for trying to leave abusive marriages, who are killed by their family members for not marrying their cousins when they’re 15 or whatever, who are whipped when they accuse men of rape, who are beaten by their husbands according to Islamic law are an image of Christ for us.

As Christians, it is our duty to do something to protect them. And we’re certainly not doing this by saying that the belief system that does this to them should be respected.
Hermione said:
As Christians, it is our duty to do something to protect them. And we’re certainly not doing this by saying that the belief system that does this to them should be respected.

Probably the place to start is in dialogue with those Muslims who agree that these are barbaric practices–and there are many. Refrain from painting all Muslims with the same brush. Ask those who have more of the light to see the dignity of all of their fellow Muslims how you as a Christian might best join in their battle against these practices. And of course, pray always that the Holy Spirit may guide you in making your life a picture of the Good News that is the salvation of all.
I’m glad to see that you recognize that Islam is a false religion 🙂

Let me ask you this question: Is it right to respect something that is false?

Let me repeat again that I am all for respecting Muslims as persons. But respecting that which is not true is a sin against truth and charity.
Okay. So you’re basically saying you wouldn’t respect it if there were no Muslims, right? If there were no Muslims, I wouldn’t respect it either because I would just be disrespecting something that technically doesn’t exist since it’s not truth.
Okay. So you’re basically saying you wouldn’t respect it if there were no Muslims, right? If there were no Muslims, I wouldn’t respect it either because I would just be disrespecting something that technically doesn’t exist since it’s not truth.
I see now. I think failed to fully explain what I meant.

You should never respect something that is false, whether Muslims are present or not. But this doesn’t mean that you can’t be sensitive to the deeply held beliefs and sentiments of Muslims. You can respect Muslims as persons and be sensitive to their beliefs and sentiments while at the same time not respecting their false religion.

  1. Respect Muslims as persons? Yes
  2. Respect Islam, a false religion? No (Never)
  3. Be sensitive to Muslim beliefs and sentiments? Yes
3 is implied by 1 and it looks like some mistakenly interpreted 2 to preclude 3.
Of course, one can pull many verses from the Old Testamant that make our faith appear violent and cruel…
Would Jesus make fun of Islam? I think that his followers doing it is a rotten Christian witness.
Of course, one can pull many verses from the Old Testamant that make our faith appear violent and cruel…
Seriously. Isn’t there one part where apparently God says to certain warriors to go kill some men in the city and take their virgins? Help anyone?
Help anyone?
There are parts in the Bible were God commands or gives sanction to killings as part of a war and that is His right since he is the Lord and Giver of life, the Master of life and death. But that doesn’t make it our right since we are not God!
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