Is it America's job to "run the world"?

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what i mean is that most 'BLUE-State" usa ARE PR0-CHOICE & VOTE ACCORDINGLY


i am not sure that that is true

i KNOW the one block of votes pro-death/ anti-life dems can count on is liberal catholics

who are more or less the majority religion in NE USA

NE blue state catholics are the reason abortion still exists in the USA
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I hope that you’re right but those times were very different. Look at the suicide rates, divorce rates, major divisions ethnically, religiously, politically and racially, and our unpredictable economic situation. I’d say that things are different now then when old timers complained about the word “damn” being uttered at the end of Gone with the Wind or even the craziness of the 1960’s either. There was social cohesion then, where is it now?
Was going to post something but I got a message saying it needs approval so I’ll say it again. Back then we had social cohesion, most people were united in most ways. There were no “debates” on gender or what a family is. The craziness of the 1960’s or Gone with the Wind’s “damn” at the end doesn’t measure up to what I’m saying here.
Something you’ve posted in a post has blocked my post.

Were you alive in the 1960s when Vietnam polarized a nation, and the world? My siblings were. That wasn’t craziness. That was real.

They may not have debated gender in the 1950s, but they certainly said the US was going to fail because women started working. They said the nation would be destroyed. Our problems now have nothing to do with women joining the workforce.

My parents were born at the dawn of the Great Depression. I’d hardly say the economy was stable. The controversy over “Gone With The Wind” was in 1939/1940, when Europe was being dragged into the second Great War and the US economy was barely beginning a slow recovery that would become a boom by 1947. But the US didn’t see that coming at the time. Not as a whole. And no, the country was not unified. Jim Crow in the south, de facto segregation across the country, the return of war veterans (which caused all sorts of problems), women in factories (again, issues), the incarceration of Japanese Americans in detainment camps…

Most people were united? What was the Civil Rights Movement? It wasn’t unifying. It was polarizing.

To romanticize a bygone era does nothing for the era or the people who lived it.

When I was a kid in the 1970s and 1980s we had the oil crisis which nearly broke the nation and the real threat of annihilation by the USSR. Doesn’t matter what “could” or “didn’t” happen. We believed it might.

Every generation has seen this. Every one.
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There were no “debates” on gender or what a family is.
No, they just lamented the destruction of the family as women went to work and the economic structure of the country began to change. That was a real issue. A hot issue.
The craziness of the 1960’s or Gone with the Wind’s “damn” at the end doesn’t measure up to what I’m saying here.
Were you alive in the 1960s when the Vietnam War polarized the nation and the world? My oldest two siblings were. That wasn’t “craziness”.

The outrage at the language in GWTW was in 1939/1940 - which were also the years Europe was being torn apart and thrust into the second great war and the US struggled to overcome the Great Depression. My parents lived through both. Romanticizing the real problems of every era does no justice to the era or the people who lived it.

The national economy hasn’t been predictable in my lifetime. It certainly hasn’t been predictable in the lifetimes of my parents, both born as the Great Depression began.

I grew up in the shadow of the atomic bomb, when attack from the USSR was considered a real threat. We were not “safe”. We had different problems and perceptions.

Every generation does.

Those times were no different than today.
I don’t think was trivializing anything and if I gave that impression than I apologize. I am only saying that we, as a society, are more divided then ever before and much that divides us is so ridiculous that no nation in its right mind would consider “intelligent” what we consider “intellectual,” gender studies being just one example. We are a nation of heretics since the overwhelming majority of people still believe in God but we choose to make Him what we choose Him to be and we all do it at times, some more than others. We are divided along every line possible and only inflated money holds us together. If we had a stock market crash akin to the one we had 90 years ago do you think that we would come together and help each other like they did then? No, our divisions would expose our true selves and we’d tear each other apart and I’m not saying that during the Depression everyone came together, only that society wasn’t nearly as divided then as we are now. Look, all I am saying is that our country is spiritually sick, very sick, and I include myself into this scenario. We are not always the good guy either. We are still the best country in the world but that doesn’t mean we don’t need self improvement.
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Every generation has seen this. Every one.
I worry about North Korean / Iran EMP attack, simultaneous with assassination by North Korea of our president.

The skills and technology for both of these have been practiced … in real life.
Perhaps, but you should see how crabby everyone gets the USA military leaves their town. Less jobs and less of an economy.
It’d be great if you could show the same Christian charity and sheer admiration to President Trump as you do towards Muslims who enter Spain illegally.
the USA built nuclear weapons for self defense
Umm, no they built them to attack the axis powers. And did. Immorally.
WWII was a defensive war from start to finish. “A good offence is a good defence” North America did not start the war but they sure helped finish it. You are blinded by your your ism if you can’t see that!
Now, be careful Vonsalza: you’re on the verge of being labelled a bigot for denying all those people fun, easy government jobs…
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Having just returned from a year living in South Korea, and knowing that life over there is 100% business as usual (I was there when the first rocket was launched - our surveillance U2 flights and her escorts got me out of bed at 0430 the day it was launched at 0930) , I don’t worry about North Korea.

There’s been a lot of media hype around that. Trust me.
I heard that your new president threatened North Korea. Is that true?
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Comprehension is clearly an attribute you could work on isn’t it.

And understanding of the human condition.

Let’s see . Why not compare a millionaire in a first world privileged country, to a homeless persecuted refugee so desperate to leave, she will strap her baby to her back, get on a jet ski with 3 others , and cross a large deep, dangerous body of water to find a better life.

Much like the Holy Family jumped on that donkey and fled Bethlehem, in order to save their child, our saviour, Jesus.

And unless you yourself are indigenous native Amiercan. Your ancestors were immigrants. Shock horror.
How far back do you have to go in your genealogy to find an heroic ancestor who made a move for a better life. One where you today are the privileged tiny percentage on earth.
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