Those places where the king has become a figurehead are not nice places to live and have steadily gone downhill in their moral and spiritual health. Take most of Europe for example. There are many places where a woman simply cannot go outside without being raped. They are dominated by partisan politics. A king doesn’t have to win reelection, he is above party squabbles. What were Greek King Otto’s last words? “Greece, my beloved Greece.” A man whose first love was God and second his country. Not a party, not a lobbyist, not mass murder of children, not socialism or “democratic socialism”.
As it is without a doubt that many kings of Catholic-dominated countries with deference to the Pope are in Heaven now, yet there is no canonization of a US president (or any elected official that I know of) it is evident that kings as a rule, are better men than presidents, and as their kingdoms were dominated by the Church, with Catholicism as the official state religion, it is a safe bet that they were right and our modern system is mostly wrong.
As it is without a doubt that many kings of Catholic-dominated countries with deference to the Pope are in Heaven now, yet there is no canonization of a US president (or any elected official that I know of) it is evident that kings as a rule, are better men than presidents, and as their kingdoms were dominated by the Church, with Catholicism as the official state religion, it is a safe bet that they were right and our modern system is mostly wrong.