This is an excellent contribution to the discussion. Spatial dimension would be lacking in absolute nothingness. On the other hand…its hard for the human brain to conceive of objects in higher dimensions. What about an object who’s boundaries demand dimensional relationship between them as a defining characteristic? Conceivably we define a container by its function. If it is defined as an object designed to hold something but there is nothing for it to hold then it is no longer a container. In comparison take a simple 2 dimensional object like a circle, once you remove its internal dimensions which define its boundaries you cease having a circle. Likewise with a square. So an object itself must retain its own dimensional qualities which define it in relation to some other object. Conceptually or in relational reality. The object who finds itself alone with no other object in reality with which to compare is subject to comparison only to its lack of existence which would be the “nothing” it finds itself in. Barring conceptual comparisons which would require a quality of the object to be sentient, concepts themselves not being nothing. Would a circle alone in nothing else be meaningful? Would any object…or entity? I think this would depend on if something is to be meaningful its meaning must be transferable. With no other object with which to transfer meaning, no meaning exists, consequently no meaningful object may exist alone in nothingness. As for the container…in order to be a container it must retain its qualifying characteristics. This includes its defining dimensional qualities, one of which is a dimension between the sides making it a container. Barring everything else it must retain this quality to retain its defining characteristics. Without this characteristic it is indeed no longer a container and ceases to exist as one which makes the question of how you can have a container with nothing between its sides a mute point. No contradiction. An object lacking its defining characteristics cannot exist.