Don’t forget to include the frame of reference from which we experience reality. As such, matter is real and it really effects our perspective.I take it that you mean matter as reality.
With this quote in mind, realize what those who believe in the Christian God are taking as fact that creation exists and that it is the source of that creation. That is that God is the source and sustainer of all creation. It would be no wonder that at the most fundamental levels of matter we would find that matter holds its existence in nothing but potential until the wave function collapses. This collapse would be initiated by God. It is after all a fact that things exist and it is after this fact that we recognize that this is so. What Heisenberg is saying I believe is that it is meaningless to describe the reality of a particular chunk of matter as a fact since the fact cannot be determined at any particular point in reality without altering the fact of its reality. Keep in mind though that even potentiality would be a factor which could only hold a meaningful existence if it existed in reality. An absence of reality between two points would be an absence of any potential change between those two points, be it dimensional or otherwise.the atoms or elementary particles themselves are not real; they form a world of potentialities or possibilities rather than one of things or facts.