Is it possible for God to eventually relent? Is there some type of stain on these souls that God cannot cleanse or change? Sure, the damned are in Hell due to their own free-will, but that does not mean that they would not repent under the right conditions.
ummm. no. . .and that is because He does love, far better than we do.
No, the damned do not, and cannot repent, because they no longer exist in a temporal world, but an eternal one.
in eternity, one does not advance from ‘point A to point B’ in linear ‘time’. Therefore, there is no point in eternity at which a damned person ‘changes’. That is part of the nature of eternity, just as part of the nature of a temporal world is that we change, progress, measure linear time.
So at the point of death, the damned person has, in a sense, ‘all the time in the world’ condensed to a single point where he can say, God’s will be done or ‘MY will be done’. Once he says that, he will, as best as I can express it since I personally have only experienced ‘time’, be saying that choice as kind of an eternal ‘word’ forever.
That is why unrepented mortal sin requires eternal punishment -the sin itself does not ‘cease’ at the time of death. It is not as though say John Doe committed 6 acts of fornication, each lasting about an hour, and knew they were mortal sin, freely chose, and at the moment of death said, “I’m not sorry for these sins or for defying God, I chose this and I would choose it again”. . .
and we go 'oh boo hoo, what a mean god, the guy ONLY committed 6 hours worth of mortal sin in his WHOLE LIFE, and now god is sending him to hell FOREVER". . .
They just don’t seem to realize that the sin did not stop at the end of the act itself, and that the rejection of God and the choice of mortal sin, if not repented, **goes on forever.
**People seem to believe that a person at the point of death would never ‘choose pain and endless torture’ instead of insisting that whatever mortal sin they committed was so important to them that they not only didn’t feel sorrow, but that they would ALWAYS choose that sin and rejection of God, and that eternity being, well, eternal, there would never be ‘time’ again to ‘repent’.
Think about the ‘corollary’ also, if you will. If there were to be linear time and a ‘chance to repent’ for those in hell, then there would be the same for those in heaven, right? Suppose that somebody, out of fear or whatever, said, "I repent’ and went to heaven, and then at some future point said, "Heaven is not enough for me, I can’t stand not having my own way, I can’t stand that I don’t have control’. . .and then THEY would go off to hell.
Don’t think that anybody would be ‘fool’ enough to reject heaven? Then you’ve made people into sheep or robots who just don’t want ‘to be punished’ and so deny their own wills to ‘get a reward’. . .and you’ve turned people in hell into the same, willing to reject their own will in order to get out of punishment.
And God would no longer be a loving Father, but a Being who ‘insists’ that people deny their own desires and ‘do it HIS way’ or else.