"Tom Baum:
Tom Baum:
The real question is whether or not you understand what Paul meant by God’s will when he wrote 1 Timothy? Clearly you do not.
Tom Baum:
Clearly you don’t understand the difference.
Tom Baum:
Tom Baum:
Now I’ll address your beginning comments:
Basically that when you are set against a bonafide Saint and a Doctor of the Church, your views are superior and are necessarily true where Thomas’ words are false.
Not only that, you continued to belittle Thomas’ scholarship, his credentials(he was a Dominican priest), etc by claiming that your supposed “revelations” are superior to his works, which I repeat are fundamental in regards to Catholic Christianity. Thomas is cited multiple times in just about every major catechetical work(he’s cited 61 times in the Catechism itself, more than any other Saint).
Now, you have had Apostles, Saints, the Church’s Magisterium(the Catechism) and even Jesus’ own words set up against your supposed “revelation” and in every instance you have set yourself and your opinions over and above all of them.
Your false humility, your constant professions of not “knowing” things ,gives away your whole position. Clearly, according to you, you know that no matter what, your right and that anyone who contradicts your views is wrong.
Basically, since you apparently had this supposed “dream” where you believe that God spoke to you, you now think that you have some supposed direct pipeline to God and which you believe makes every thought you have pertaining to faith and morals an absolute truth.
I know it’s flattering to think that you may be someone special, it helps inflate the ego. Paul writes, “…even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.”(2 Cor 11:14), which is why he insists that we “test the spirits” to see if they are truly from God.
The Holy Spirit, the only true Spirit of God, would not contradict His Church.
Now, Jesus had miracles to back up His testimony that He spoke the truth from God.
The Apostles also performed miracles in Christ’s name to testify to their authority.
Thomas Aquinas has miracles attributed to him,(obviously, or he would not be a Saint). People witnessed him levitate while praying.
You claim that it is your “job” to speak for God, yet where are your miracles which testify to your authority to speak for God?
When I see something, some miracle, which testifies to your supposed “job”, then you really have no “job”, you’re simply deceiving yourself and others… You’re simply a professed Catholic spouting heretical opinions against the Church.
Yes, this includes the existence of hell, which is a part of the existence He caused to be.You wrote, “So, as we have repeatedly stated, when Paul expresses God’s will in 1 Timothy that “all men be saved”, this is necessarily a statement before any actual judgment by God and not a necessary or consequential statement affirming universal salvation, as Tom has been presupposing.”
If God is Omniscient, wouldn’t God have “known” before creation everything about creation?
Tom Baum:
It seems to be a thing with you to ask redundant and pointless questions.Unless Paul did not know what he was talking about in 1 Tim, don’t you think that God knew what God’s Will was/is?
The real question is whether or not you understand what Paul meant by God’s will when he wrote 1 Timothy? Clearly you do not.
Tom Baum:
In a way, yes. But then you need to understand the difference between what Thomas calls God’s necessary will-which can never be thwarted)-and God’s antecedent will-which may be “thwarted” because He allows it as part of His necessary Will and Providence.Do you think that God came up with a PLAN that includes God’s Will being thwarted?
Clearly you don’t understand the difference.
Tom Baum:
No He didn’t. But that’s obviously not the issue, either. The issue is whether or not you understand what that means. Clearly you don’t.God-Incarnate did NOT teach us to pray for God’s Will to be thwarted.
Tom Baum:
Satan will be thwarted, along with his sons and daughters, when they will be judged on the Last Day.I, personally, believe that it is satan who will be thwarted, TOTALLY THWARTED.
Now I’ll address your beginning comments:
This I anticipated and you certainly did not disappoint.One thing that he does seem to do is to take a simple, straightforward statement, “This is good and pleasing to God our savior, who wills everyone to be saved and to come to knowledge of the truth” and make it rather complicated.
One of the things about Thomas Aquinas’s written words, at least what is so simply written in 1 Tim, is that he seems to come up with ways of saying that something does not say what it so simply says that it says or at least that is what it seems that you are saying.
One does not have to believe that “This is good and pleasing to God our savior, who wills everyone to be saved and to come to knowledge of the truth.” but to say that it does not say what it says is, well what would you say that is?
Didn’t Jesus say something about revealing to the simple what is hidden from the learned?
Basically that when you are set against a bonafide Saint and a Doctor of the Church, your views are superior and are necessarily true where Thomas’ words are false.
Not only that, you continued to belittle Thomas’ scholarship, his credentials(he was a Dominican priest), etc by claiming that your supposed “revelations” are superior to his works, which I repeat are fundamental in regards to Catholic Christianity. Thomas is cited multiple times in just about every major catechetical work(he’s cited 61 times in the Catechism itself, more than any other Saint).
Now, you have had Apostles, Saints, the Church’s Magisterium(the Catechism) and even Jesus’ own words set up against your supposed “revelation” and in every instance you have set yourself and your opinions over and above all of them.
Your false humility, your constant professions of not “knowing” things ,gives away your whole position. Clearly, according to you, you know that no matter what, your right and that anyone who contradicts your views is wrong.
Basically, since you apparently had this supposed “dream” where you believe that God spoke to you, you now think that you have some supposed direct pipeline to God and which you believe makes every thought you have pertaining to faith and morals an absolute truth.
I know it’s flattering to think that you may be someone special, it helps inflate the ego. Paul writes, “…even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.”(2 Cor 11:14), which is why he insists that we “test the spirits” to see if they are truly from God.
The Holy Spirit, the only true Spirit of God, would not contradict His Church.
Now, Jesus had miracles to back up His testimony that He spoke the truth from God.
The Apostles also performed miracles in Christ’s name to testify to their authority.
Thomas Aquinas has miracles attributed to him,(obviously, or he would not be a Saint). People witnessed him levitate while praying.
You claim that it is your “job” to speak for God, yet where are your miracles which testify to your authority to speak for God?
When I see something, some miracle, which testifies to your supposed “job”, then you really have no “job”, you’re simply deceiving yourself and others… You’re simply a professed Catholic spouting heretical opinions against the Church.