Yes, it is interesting Jesus told God to forgive those who killed them even though they were not sorry, did not ask for forgiveness.As God-Incarnate said to the Apostles when asked about “Who can be saved?”, "With man it is impossible but with God ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.
Even tho we are a “hard-headed and thick-necked people” (or words to that effect), according to one of my namesakes, Jesus did try to tell us something here.
And as God said concerning His Covenant with man (whether one, some, most or all, I do not know but I have my belief concerning what it is), even if man does not live up to his part of the bargain, I WILL.
Seems as if this is another place that God was/is trying to get thru to us.
“Father forgive them, they know not what they do”, some look at this as just a few of the “them”, I look at it as ALL OF THE “THEM” of all time.
As I have said before, God has ALL of the bases covered so that we will ALL make it home.
As far as, “I’m not entirely sure how you came to this conclusion”, if you mean what I think you mean it could have to do with the fact that I have experienced hell and spiritual death.
Justice to me means justice not getting blood sucking revenge just because you can, just because this has the word “just” in it does NOT mean that it has anything to do with JUSTICE, especially DIVINE JUSTICE.
I don’t know exactly how or even care how God will bring God’s Will to Fruition but I , most definitely, believe that God’s Plan, which God has had since before creation, is catholic.
I too believe with God all thing are possible. I can’t see how believe could see it any other way.