Hell is not commensurate with any guilt of sin.
One has to wonder what sin you are currently running away from that you are trying to rationalize it.
Surely, that is evident by the “level” of sin required to enter hell which is one mortal sin. I keep saying that if this is God’s divine justice then it falls well below the standard of justice practiced by mankind in the developed World. I could also include justice systems practiced in many countries in the undeveloped World. It is incredible that the intelligent life forms that God created can be more humane than their Creator.
Human justice systems bssed upon positive law are necessarily less than God’s. And you cannot get more from less.
And “humane”? You are clearly blind to the recidivism rates in this country. If prison is supposed to rehabilitate offenders but its not, its doing precisely the opposite.
Let me explain who God is.
Oh I’m tingling with excitement! You’re going to preach again.
God is an omnipotent (unlimited power) being who created our universe and “God knows” how many other universes. He created trillions of suns and trillions of planets. He created intelligent life on this planet and “God knows” how many other planets. If we sin and take a step(s) away from Him don’t you think that the above being with unlimited power can’t take a step(s) closer to us?
“The wages of sin is death”. You are obviously quoting from Rom 6:23. Death is just a part of the natural laws of the universe that we live in. Everything and everyone in this universe dies. I absolutely love reading St Paul’s letters and tracing his journeys preaching the Good News of Jesus. However, St Paul would have known nothing about our universe or how it came into being after God ignited the big bang.
Two things:
- Now you’re saying that what Paul has written and what the Church has definitively taught is inspired by God is now wrong? That it is not the truth that God inspired Paul to write?
2)“Death is just a part of the natural laws of the universe that we live in.”
** No it is not:
“Because God did not make death, nor does He rejoice in the destruction of the living. For Hecfashioned all things that they might have being…”(Wisdom 1:13-14)
“For God formed man to be imperishable; the image of His own nature He made him. But by yhe envy of the devil, death entered the world, and they who are in his possession experience it.” (Wisdom 2:23-24)**
I am not blinded by my emotions. My emotions concerning hell are a direct result of my love for my fellow man. Without showing disrespect to you, your religious dogma filled mind blinds you from having love for your fellow man. ** I am sure that God would rather us have the former rather than the latter.**
Your “love” turns loving sinners into loving their sins as well, pretending as if they’re sins aren’t as evil as they really are, and thus making mock of what Jesus suffered in His Passion and death.
And spare me. I would love nothing more that all would be saved, but neither am I so soft-headed as to think that it will be.
Another passage from St Paul:
**"…and in my flesh I am filling up what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ on behalf of His Body, the Church." (Colossians 1:24).
(And this is for all of the so-called universalists here.)
If “all are saved” automatically by Christ by His work of Redemption alone, what is meant by Paul’s words that there is something lacking in Christ’s sufferings?
And if there is something lacking in Christ’s sufferings, how is it that all are saved?**