I know exactly how you feel! I’m in my late fifties, never been married, never had kids, and unable to be a religious (age, health and debt matters).
I keep praying for guidance, but get no answer. Don’t have a spiritual director, and am too ‘poor’ to go on any retreats. Most, if not all, of the ‘good’ religious Orders won’t even look at someone of my age.
Had no inclination to be married, either. Never had a boyfriend in my younger years. Never cared for sex, terrified of pregnancy and childbirth, and never really liked kids to begin with.
So where does that leave me in my old age? Once you get past 35, and you’re still unmarried, it seems that the Church really doesn’t pay much attention to you. It’s only if you’re the 'initiator / organizer / leader-wannabe type that single Catholics are really given much consideration. If one is quiet, introspective, shy and prefers the shadows as background…eh

…you’re a ‘persona non grata’, a member of the ‘great invisible demographic’.
Simply put, to answer the OP’s question: I say ‘yes’, it is possible to be completely ‘vocationless’. It’s happening to me now…
[end of rant]