Is it possible to be completely "vocationless"?

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Yay, I’m bumping an old thread 🙂

I was doing a search and just kind of stumbled on to this thread and read through it. I wish I can say anything has improved / changed but I still definitely feel completely vocationless. Not only that it’s getting to the point where I feel purposeless as well. I’ve been co counseling and came away thinking that was just a waste of time. It’s just weird to live in a state that has no perceptive purpose, ambition, hopes, etc.
Yay, I’m bumping an old thread 🙂

I was doing a search and just kind of stumbled on to this thread and read through it. I wish I can say anything has improved / changed but I still definitely feel completely vocationless. Not only that it’s getting to the point where I feel purposeless as well. I’ve been co counseling and came away thinking that was just a waste of time. It’s just weird to live in a state that has no perceptive purpose, ambition, hopes, etc.
Counselling is not spiritual direction. Have you sought spiritual direction? From your post above, your disposition is degenerating (vocation-less to purposelessness).
Catholic Discussion sites and counselling can be very helpful at times, but they cannot replace, even in the slightest, face to face spiritual direction.

May The Lord bless you with His Peace, Joy and fulfilment … and guide you to a good spiritual director and I really hope you will try to seek one out soon. There is a remote possibility, of course, that by “counselling” you meant spiritual direction and if so, spiritual direction to be effective will take place over more than one or two meetings and where a specific problem is concerned (such as you have mentioned) it may take far more than one or two meetings.
If you can’t find a spiritual director, then bring up your problems to Father in Confession and take on board his advice.

Keeping you in prayer.


I am going offline until after Easter and hope to catch up with things then 🙂
Counselling is not spiritual direction. Have you sought spiritual direction? From your post above, your disposition is degenerating (vocation-less to purposelessness).
Catholic Discussion sites and counselling can be very helpful at times, but they cannot replace, even in the slightest, face to face spiritual direction.

May The Lord bless you with His Peace, Joy and fulfilment … and guide you to a good spiritual director and I really hope you will try to seek one out soon. There is a remote possibility, of course, that by “counselling” you meant spiritual direction and if so, spiritual direction to be effective will take place over more than one or two meetings and where a specific problem is concerned (such as you have mentioned) it may take far more than one or two meetings.
If you can’t find a spiritual director, then bring up your problems to Father in Confession and take on board his advice.

Keeping you in prayer.


I am going offline until after Easter and hope to catch up with things then 🙂
I seemingly have no vocation or purpose either. Either years ago when I was Protestant or now as a Catholic.
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