If God really wanted us to follow the correct religion why did he make it unclear which one was most true
This!The Church started by Jesus Christ himself is the true one
After all, I’m thinking that having His Divine Son found a Church would have been a dead giveaway…

By virtue of the same standard of evidence that we use for events in antiquity: accounts by eyewitnesses and those scribed from eyewitnesses.How would you prove Jesus was God or sent by God though?
Again: eyewitness accounts (which, in this case, would include all those who were eyewitnesses to Jesus’ ministry and became members of His Church!Or even that the Catholic Church was founded by Jesus
This is just an extension of the ‘liar’ option – with someone other than Jesus being the liar.The problem with the trilemma is that it avoids other options - the possibility of Jesus as we conceptualize him today being the product of legend.
To make this claim, you have to throw away the witness of the Gospels. After all, in those accounts, the religious leaders of the Jews understood Jesus to be making claims of divinity that were “God”, not merely “God’s Rabbi”.Also a possibility of Jesus’ claim to divinity being meant more in the guru sense; that he is God like in the conceptualization of pantheism.
Gettier problem, please.By definition, ’knowledge’ is a justified, true belief.
The question, of course, is what the source of that truth is, and whether these religions ‘have’ these truths or merely ‘reflect’ truths found elsewhere.All religions have some truth in them - some have more truth than others.
Please substantiate this assertion.However, all religions have some misconceptions, superstitions or false beliefs.
Umm… pardon? Care to substantiate that position, then?God does not mind which religion you follow or what you believe.
That’s not the way Christ frames it up. The first great commandment is “Love God”, which speaks to an understanding of who God is and what you believe about Him, I’d suggest. “The treatment of your fellow human beings” is only the second great commandment. Inverting these two leads to the errors you’re asserting, here, I’d suggest.More important are what the Christ mentions regarding the treatment of your fellow human beings