More specifically…Glenda, this is a crucial part of Catholic teaching that you are missing. It is explained very clearly in the Catechism of the Catholic Church’s discussion of the resurrection of the body. The Catechism quotes Jesus Christ on this point. From John 5:29, “Do not be astonished at this for the hour is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice, and come out-those who have done good to the resurrection of life and those who have done evil to the resurrection of condemnation.” The Catechism also clearly explains the hope for a new heaven and a new earth in its discussion of the Creed where it says “I believe in life everlasting.” (In fact it discusses and explains every part of the Creed.) There are many scriptures that point to this and one of the beautiful things about the Catechism are the footnotes to the scriptures. The first thought that came to mind when you said the earth is passing away is when Jesus, in his sermon on the mount, said “the meek will inherit the earth” from Mathew 5:5. God Bless. Here’s a link to the Catechism…