Hello JapaneseKappa.
Oh, I found another gal who in some ways reminds me of you. She’s written a book called Something Other Than God and has a BlogSpot if you’d like to take her to task as well. She’d probably welcome your challenging intelligence and forthrightness. conversiondiary.com/ ncregister.com/blog/jennifer-fulwiler/ Book is at: amazon.com/Something-Other-Than-God-Passionately/dp/1586178822 strangenotions.com/if-atheism-is-true-does-life-still-have-meaning/
To me some of the science we have points straight to God. Just the sheer ordering of things from the greatest to the least, the Universe and the atom. The order of things refutes the supposed randomness that is a major factor in the theories of those who would claim it all happened by happenstance. Phooey. Be wary of scientism taking you religious places you may not want to go.Which is totally different from choosing one model over another “because God.” That quote is making a religious claim (that God is revealed in science.) I object to making scientific claims for religious reasons (i.e. that a scientific claim is correct because of a religious belief.)
Oh, I found another gal who in some ways reminds me of you. She’s written a book called Something Other Than God and has a BlogSpot if you’d like to take her to task as well. She’d probably welcome your challenging intelligence and forthrightness. conversiondiary.com/ ncregister.com/blog/jennifer-fulwiler/ Book is at: amazon.com/Something-Other-Than-God-Passionately/dp/1586178822 strangenotions.com/if-atheism-is-true-does-life-still-have-meaning/