Not sure you’ll find many Catholics who would agree with you that Google is now the authority on heaven.Obviously "coming down from Heaven” is figurative language. You cannot use a metaphor to argue the truth of your point because by doing so you are turning the figure of speech into a literal expression (committing an equivocation) in the very act of employing it. You turn Heaven into a location in time-space by turning “coming down” into a literal act. Where is Heaven located in the space-time continuum, exactly? Heaven is eternal and immaterial so one doesn’t “come down” from it in the same sense as you would, say, “come down” from Boston to New York.
If you want to continue insisting “come down from Heaven” involves motion in the sense you want us to believe it does, then show the location of Heaven on Google maps so we can all check that motion is required for Jesus to relocate whenever a Mass occurs.

According to the Bible, heaven does have a location: “While he [Christ] was blessing them, he withdrew from them and was carried up into heaven”. If Luke had been writing figuratively then he would have written the Greek equivalent of “carried to heaven” without the “up”. But by writing “carried up into heaven” he could only mean motion happening there and then, in space and in time, to convey Jesus towards and then into a place.
So I don’t think you’ve answered Tomdstone’s objection. To add to it, how do you explain God as simple and unchanging when John writes that “Jesus [God] did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.”?