If you were forced into sex against your will, raped, you are still a virgin in the eyes of God.
(St. Augustine talks about this at close to the beginning of The City of God. Romans had a strong tradition from pagan times that raped women should kill themselves, and many Christians of Roman ethnicity believed it too. So when the Sack of Rome occurred, St. Augustine wrote a letter to stop raped nuns and other women from killing themselves, and other Christians from looking down on them; and that is how The City of God started out. Stuff from the letter ended up in the book.)
Book 1, Chapter 16 of The City of God:
"Nothing that another person can do to the body, or upon the body, is any fault of the person who suffers from it…
“But shame invades even a pure spirit from which modesty has not departed, because if an act cannot be suffered without the victim feeling some sensual pleasure, she fears lest it be believed she gave some consent of the will.”
Chapter 18 points out “If nobody can always control what happens to his body, but only can control the consent and refusal of his will, who can suppose that he loses his own purity if his body is grabbed and used for another’s lust? If purity could be destroyed that way, purity would not be a virtue of the soul.”
But you did not consent in any real sense, and God knows that. So nothing done to you against your will can possibly remove your essential virginity. Your body is pure when your will is pure, even if you feel disturbed and sad.
So in Chapter 19, Augustine says of raped and sexually assaulted women, “Within their own souls, with their consciences for witness, they keep the glory of chastity; and in the sight of God, they are counted as pure.”
(BTW, if someone did participate willingly in some pre-marital sex but not in the rest, that part would be a sin but forgiveable at Confession; and the rest would still be rape and sexual abuse! That refusal to consent to such treatment, even if someone could only refuse internally, would be an act of chastity.)
So get some help, even if it has to be online and/or anonymously. (I don’t know if you can report him criminally where you live, or if you just have to let it go for now, and look after your own safety. Obviously your own safety comes first.)