Is lack of the ability to procreate the sole reason homosexual activity is a sin?

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However, LGBT people seem to think others must know about what they do in private.
All LGBT people? That is like saying all hetero people do the same thing. Do they? Do you find it just as icky as what the hetero people discuss?
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Not a valid comparison. And be specific about “unique experiences” and about same-sex marriage. And I’ve seen a number of photos from gay pride parades. For some reason, some young men think it’s OK to wear a pair of short, loose fitting underwear and lady’s shoes, and nothing else. In the case of some firemen who were forced to march in a gay pride parade (and later sued their fire department), they were exposed to comments from gay men in the crowd about invitations to sexual acts. So, it seems restraint is not practiced.
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You seem to look at a lot of “pro-gay” material. I would suggest not looking at it if it bothers you.
You will have to look at the entire context in terms of what sex means according to the Church.

Sex is the primary means for couples to accept children from God and to educate them and bring them up as members of God’s family.

Sex is also meant to be in the unitive sense, the union in marriage between man and woman, the joining of two complementary halves.

You cannot divorce sex and marriage, hence the teaching against premarital sex, and sex and parenthood.

This is why the Church teaches against the artificial prevention of conception of children and also against the artificial conception of children in instances like IVF.
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One tactic used by LGBT groups is to claim heteros are ignorant and don’t understand. What’s wrong with educating myself?
And be specific about “unique experiences” and about same-sex marriage.
Sure. Do heterosexual marriages constantly come under fire as being ‘not real’, or their validity challenged in court? No, so that’s unique. You may not find it interesting but that doesn’t change that.
For some reason, some young men think it’s OK to wear a pair of short, loose fitting underwear and lady’s shoes, and nothing else.
Gay pride parades represent gay culture the same way St Patrick’s day parades represent Irish culture.
I do find the issue of same-sex marriage interesting. And ‘gay culture’ is portrayed in two ways. The media shows two men dressed like any other men, sometimes with kids. At gay pride parades, something else. I think the average person is confused by this. As has been pointed out, gay identity was hidden, Irish identity has not. And St. Patrick’s Day parades have been infiltrated by gay groups. Being Irish is not the same thing as being gay, since promoting homosexual behavior is ongoing in the media.

For clarity, I want to point out that no one needs anyone’s permission to live how they want. However, the run-up to same-sex marriage went through a large-scale effort that had a final goal that was realized. Prior to that, unknown, until the media published their photo, prominent gay people threatened, for example, a brain drain if this or that state did not allow them to marry.
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This seems to include anal, oral, & manual sex/stimulation since they seems contrary to nature and are not open to procreation.
And ‘gay culture’ is portrayed in two ways. The media shows two men dressed like any other men, sometimes with kids. At gay pride parades, something else. I think the average person is confused by this.
Kind of like how sometimes straight couples dress in formal wear but then other times wear skimpy swimsuits?
I do find the issue of same-sex marriage interesting. And ‘gay culture’ is portrayed in two ways. The media shows two men dressed like any other men, sometimes with kids. At gay pride parades, something else. I think the average person is confused by this
I think you aren’t giving enough credit to the average person for their ability to understand basic human sexuality, and to understand that gay people are like anyone else. Some like to express their sexuality in loud ways, and others don’t. This is no different than straight people. Think about it. Some straight people like to walk around in suggestive clothing and put themselves out there for everyone to see and hear. Others are very private when it comes to their sexuality. Most are somewhere in between.

I don’t think the average person, straight or gay, has any problem understanding these concepts, at all.
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On the contrary. Sexual activity among gay men is the focus. Isn’t that the point of same-sex marriage?
Swimsuits are not part of that.
I am most concerned about how the mainstream media portrays gay people. Isn’t same-sex marriage about sexual activity?
Isn’t same-sex marriage about sexual activity?
Actually, no. Do you believe marriage for straight people is only about sex? Most people who have been married, even for just a few years, will not put that at the top of the list for the purpose of their marriage. Marriage is about love, companionship, and all the good things that come from that. Sex may be one of the things on the list. But for your average person, it isn’t the only thing on the list. Especially in today’s time, when having sex before marriage is acceptable by most peoples’ standards.

I will be blunt, here. You seem to be hyperfocused on this subject matter. I would suggest considering looking at people in their entirety. I believe the Church teaches something along the lines as we shouldn’t define ourselves or others by one facet of our being. When you see a gay couple and it bothers you, try to think about that instead. You may see all kinds of wonderful things about them, as individuals, that you can focus on.
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To secularists that oppose, that’s the greatest argument.

We are a sexually diploid species. Homosexuality is a rejection of the biological model by which we perpetuate. If something could be argued as naturally immoral, that would be an example.
You bring me back to the 1960s and Hippie-speak. Invented words that should never be used. For Catholics, the wedding night is used to consummate their marriage. Gay marriage is portrayed as having a one to one relationship with heterosexual marriage. Right?
Well gama, I have been to a lot of weddings recently. I can tell you that at not one did I watch the bride and groom exchange their vows and think that it means they are having sex tonight. I looked at them and thought, “What a wondeful couple”, “They seem so compatible, I hope they have a wonderful life together”, “How blessed they are to have found each other”. ETc Etc Etc.

Again, no I don’t think marriage is all about sex. But then I am a liberal person who doesn’t really believe in the all of the teachings you do. I hate to see something being missed. Try to find the joy and happiness in people and recognize it for the gift it is. Don’t distill relationships, gay or straight, down to who is having sex with whom. There is so much more to relationships than that.

Sorry the 60’s were so hard on you. It wasn’t my experience, at all, so I can’t really relate.

Signing off, now.
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In the 1960s, it was a given that there would be a wedding night and that was that. Us guys knew about it. And it was a given that kids would follow, even just one. Growing up, I saw one child and two child families. That was average and normal.

Today, there is a problem with gay couples going to Catholic adoption agencies. That problem is solved by closing Catholic adoption agencies. So there is a problem.
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