Is listening to rock music sinful? (Please answer, I have OCD and I'm really stressing)

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My hands are literally shaking as I’m trying to type. Are you accusing me of being a liar? Please, I’m 100% serious and I’m really scared that listening to my favorite music is wrong
My hands are literally shaking as I’m trying to type. Are you accusing me of being a liar? Please, I’m 100% serious and I’m really scared that listening to my favorite music is wrong
I am not calling you a liar. I am suspicious of someone who refuses to do their own research because ‘reading Church sources gives me a panic attack’, but then is apparently completely unfazed by reading a lengthy quote from a Church source which another CAF member kindly posted to this thread. I don’t say you lied, but I will admit you are awfully good at getting folks to do your legwork for you. My compliments.
Please see your confessor; don’t come to CAF looking for answers to questions related to scrupulosity.

I too am a fan of Twenty One Pilots.
I’m just really worried. I wasn’t meaning to make others do the work for me. I’m really sorry if I came out that way.

My question right now is this:
If Pope Benedict XVI, even though he said it before he was Pope, said that rock music was “a form of worship in opposition to Christian worship”, wouldn’t he be right? Who are we to say that he’s wrong?
But these are legitimate things that I worry about.
They are legitimate to you. And because strangers on an internet forum aren’t always qualified to deal with OCD, you should talk to your priest and/ or therapist about these questions. Getting opinions from random strangers won’t help, and could make your anxieties worse.
I’m just really worried. I wasn’t meaning to make others do the work for me. I’m really sorry if I came out that way.

My question right now is this:
If Pope Benedict XVI, even though he said it before he was Pope, said that rock music was “a form of worship in opposition to Christian worship”, wouldn’t he be right? Who are we to say that he’s wrong?
A couple things:
  1. As someone with anxiety I totally understand your reasoning in asking this question and also as someone with anxiety let me tell you - forums are a bad place to go unless you’re feeling really strong. Especially here, where religion is discussed and many people have different viewpoints. If reading church documents sets you off, this place can be even worse. Find some people - your priest, a therapist, a family member or friend you trust - and connect more one-on-one (I had to do this myself. I myself am a lapsed member that recently rejoined after a 10 year hiatus). I’d argue that a large number of people in this population don’t understand the way things work in the mind of someone with anxiety and although the mean well, they often can make things worse in trying to help. This is why a professional or connecting with forum members you get to know is a good idea.
  2. The pope is not infallible unless he is speaking Ex Cathedra on a matter of faith or morals. He didn’t do this, so we are more than free to disagree with encyclicals and other writings.
  3. ANY kind of music that blasphemes, causes impure thoughts, or leads you into “worship” of things that are not God is sinful. Genre is completely irrelevant in this, though discussions can be had about personal genre preferences. 🙂
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  1. ANY kind of music that blasphemes, causes impure thoughts, or leads you into “worship” of things that are not God is sinful. Genre is completely irrelevant in this, though discussions can be had about personal genre preferences. 🙂
Thank you very much for your thoughtful response 😃
rock “a form of worship in opposition to Christian worship”
Bear in mind, he’s speaking in the context of the liturgy. Rock music is loud, attention-grabbing, and exciting. It doesn’t so much make you look towards heaven, as we should in the Mass, but draw you into itself and the performers. That does not, however, mean that it can’t be a powerful force for good. It does mean that it probably isn’t the music you want to listen to when trying to prepare your mind and heart for your soon reception of the Eucharist.

Outside of Mass, though, it can be great, and some metal songs have definitely helped my spiritual journey. At that point, I don’t really think I need to prove philosophically why the music is good, and I don’t think you prove philosophically that some music is entirely good or bad anyways. (Well, you could probably make a case for all pop music being bad if you wanted to be really reductionist on what counts as “pop”.)
Thank you very much. I was just worried that because of his harsh wording, he was condemning rock music in all contexts. I’m still really worried.
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I mean, is there any proof that he wasn’t condemning rock music in all cases? It certainly sounds like he was.
I have, but at the time, it was before I found the quote by Pope Benedict XVI that I’m worried about.
He said that he thought it was not sinful as long as the lyrics did not disrespect Christ or His Church. But again, now I’m just worried about the quote.
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If it worries you that much don’t listen to it. More importantly get help for your anxiety.
But now I have a different concern, the quote. I’m looking for an answer specifically about the quote.
No. It might depend on the lyrics in certain circumstances, but it depends how those lyrics influence you.

Also the band you mentioned… The members of Twenty One Pilots are Christian and many of their lyrics have Christian themes. In this case especially, not sinful. 😉
I think you are dealing with scrupulosity. I agree with what has been said about rock music not being inherently evil, it is just sinful if it leads you to sin or blasphemes the Church. I wouldn’t worry too much about the quote. Pray for St. Michael and St. Dymphna’s intercession to help you calm your anxieties, and trust in God’s peace. You are worrying a bit too much—although, I understand that having anxiety can cause you not to want to look back at the documents. Just rest in God’s peace and give it to Him and ask Him to give you clarity. I apologize for some of the others’ rude responses to your question. You didn’t do anything wrong. I understand how you feel. Sometimes you just want to stop reading it all because it clouds your head even worse. Have peace. Talk to someone in authority in the church, bring them the document if need be (you don’t even have to read it, just print it or something and give it to them), and avoid coming to a forum unless you are free from anxiety. God bless you and give you peace.
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