Is listening to rock music sinful? (Please answer, I have OCD and I'm really stressing)

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The Church does not make blanket declarations about genres of music. It does make declarations about what is and isn’t appropriate for liturgical use. Given that Cardinal Ratzinger’s (to use how we would have addressed him at the time) Spirit of the Liturgy is speaking of the problems faced with using certain music in a liturgical sense, it is best to keep it to that context. Anyone seeking to make a case that rock music is sinful would need to show official Church teachings that declare it as such, and an out-of-context quote from a book on the liturgy does not make a solid argument against rock.
It seems like your scrupulous, and if so, as has been said upthread the internet is a really bad place to look for answers. It might give you some temporary relief, but won’t get to the root of the problem. Please speak again to your pastor about the music issue and scrupulosity in general.
But don’t you think that with the way he worded his descriptions of rock and pop music, it can be assumed that he thought it was sinful even outside of liturgical use?
They’re not legitimate, and if you’re serious you need serious spiritual guidance and probably a lot of psychological help.
Then seek help. An Internet forum is not going to be helpful for you.
I believe you are overthinking this. Do you suffer from scruples, OCD or anxiety?

It very much sounds like it.

God is not lurking around the corner ready to pull your earbuds and send you straight to hell!

He is a loving Father Who knows what you are made of. If you place your faith and love of God above all earthly things then your fears are absolutely unwarranted.
That depends on the content of the lyrics. If a song is wholesome, it’s a good. If the lyrics aren’t violent, sexually explicit, and don’t use foul language - the song is good
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As long as rock music is not leading you to sin and is not blaspheming or trying to destroy the Church, it is not a sin to listen to it.
You could technically listen to “Highway to hell” by AC/DC and not sin, because the lyrics are true and give testimony both to heaven and hell. If you can stand the music, you can pray for the band and its fans as you listen.
I have OCD, yes.

What do you think the quote is saying?
Honestly, in the big picture, it does not matter what the quote is saying. What matters is truth. If you have OCD, then that should be your focus. It is stealing your peace and making your life miserable. You deserve to live in peace. Are you involved with your parents in counseling or other therapy?
I’m in therapy and I’m starting medication next month.

Please, could you tell me what you think the quote is saying?
AC/DC made some of the greatest music ever recorded, man. But I’m sure me and all the other 40- and 50-year olds who took their kids to see the last couple tours could def use prayers.
Please, could you tell me what you think the quote is saying?

Please understand, no one is trying to be a jerk here. But indulging your questions validates them, when they’re clearly products of your OCD. For you to shotgun blast a bunch of “is this a sin?!” type questions all over the forum would be to reinforce your disorder. You need a spiritual director who is experienced dealing with this stuff, and you need to follow your medical provider’s advice diligently.
This question is different. When asking this question, I was thinking of Twenty One Pilots (I know I mentioned them in the OP), and their music is one of the only things that gets me through panic attacks. So the thought that it would be sinful to listen to their music is terrifying to me.
Several people have already told you it’s probably not sinful, and one of the most Catholic young people on this board has said he likes Twenty One Pilots too.
It’s like you’re not hearing us when we answer anyway.
Please, speak to a priest or a therapist. This is not doing you any good.
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